Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week of December 21st.

On Tuesday, December 22, 2009 students will have an EARLY DISMISSAL at 12:00. Please note that there will be NO after school program so please remember to be on time to pick up your child by 12:00.
School will resume on Tuesday January 5, 2010. Happy Holidays and please remember as this may be a break from school, I encourage children to review.
Last but not least.....
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Part II
The second dose of H1N1 vaccine will be administered
by the New York City Board of Health on
Tuesday January 5th.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

As the Holidays approach we will be accepting gloves for the winter for the less fortunate of our community. This is a donation if you are able to donate inexpensive gloves, hats, and scarves, we will begin collecting them until we leave for the holiday break. Thank you to all the parents of Prek 2 for your continued support.

Please click on link below to view Religion lesson plan

Please click on link below to view Math lesson plan

Please click on link below to view Science lesson plan

Please click on link below to view Social Studies lesson

Please click on link below to view Reading/ELA lesson plan

Look at each picture, how many in the first group write the number, how many in the second group write the number, how many in all write the number.
Count the things in each group and write how many all together. Draw a line through three numbers that are the same.
Rhyme time, Draw a line between words that rhyme
There are 10 stars. Count the stars, practice writing the number 10, now draw 10 stars.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lesson Plans 12/7-12/11

We will be collecting gloves for those less fortunate of our parish, please remember to donate inexpensive gloves.

Please click on link below to view Religion lesson

Please click on link below to view Math lesson

Please click on link below to view Science lesson

Please click on link below to view Social Studies lesson

Please click on link below to view ELA/Reading lesson

Math activity sheet circle the group that shows more
Practice writing new sight words no, not, like, is
Math Activity sheet circle the group that shows less
Practice writing the letters of the alphabet Pp, Qq, Rr