Sunday, April 30, 2023

Week of 5/1-5/5

Early dismissal Friday May 5th at 12:00 noon. Students will have gym on Thursday May 4th, all students in gym uniform with sneakers. MAP testing on May 16th and May 17th. Please continue to work with your child at home on reading comprehension and reading fluency and sight words. Students will have an assessment on Ready Gen and must log into google to complete and submit.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- We Celebrate Jesus Gift of Himself
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 5 Module B: Introduce "Plant Patterns"
Math-Eureka Math Module 5 Count 10 and some ones
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- How do living things change or impact the environment  

Monday 5/1
Eureka math module 5 pg.171
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook
Tuesday 5/2
Eureka math workbook module5 pg.179
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.117-118
Wednesday 5/3
Eureka math workbook module 5 pg.175
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook 
Thursday 5/4
Eureka math workbook module 5 pg.183
Cut and glue number 0-20 worksheet
Phonics worksheet letter Uu
Tomorrow Friday students may wear regular clothes

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Week of 4/24-4/28

Friday April 28th end of module 4 math test, students should practice adding and subtracting numbers to 10. Please make sure to review all sight words given up to this point.  No new sight words this week as we will be reviewing all sight words in class as well.

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Easter/ We Pray as Jesus did
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 5 Module A: Introduce "Jack's Garden"
Math-Eureka Math module 4: Lesson 38-41 Add 1 to numbers 19 to see the pattern of the next number using 5-group drawings and equations.
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- How do living things change or impact the environment  

Tuesday 4/25
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.153-154
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.115-116
Review all sight word in HW notebook
Wednesday 4/26
Eureka math workbook module 4 lesson 38 pg.157
Extra practice math worksheet (draw more circle to make 5)
Phonics worksheet letter Xx
Tomorrow Thursday students may wear regular clothes to school
Thursday 4/27
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.161-162 and 165-166
Phonics worksheet on letter Xx 
Tomorrow Friday full gym uniform and sneakers
(Eureka module 4 classroom book please keep at home they have finished it)

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Week of April 17-April 21

Early dismissal on Friday April 21st t 12:00 noon for parent teacher conference. Conferences will be held from 1:00-2:50pm in person and 3:00pm-6:00pm via zoom, there will be a sign up sheet as it will be first come first serve. Friday there will be no After school program please make arrangements as dismissal will be at 12:00noon for all students. 
Mass at 10:00 am on Friday April 21 st. parents are welcomed to join us.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Easter
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 5 Module A: finish "The Tiny Seed" introduce "Jack's Garden"
Math-Eureka Math module 4: Lesson 34-37 Represent subtraction story problems by breaking off, crossing out, and hiding a part 
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- How do living things change or impact the environment  

Monday 4/17
Eureka math workbook pg.137-138
Write each sight five times in HW notebook 
Tuesday 4/18
Eureka math workbook pg.141-142
Subtraction practice worksheet (double sided)
Phonics worksheet letter Jj (double sided)
Wednesday 4/19
Eureka math workbook pg.145-146
Extra practice math worksheet
Phonics worksheet on the letter Ww
Thursday 4/20
Eureka math workbook pg.149-150
Extra practice math worksheet on subtraction
Write a sentence with each sight word (any, made, there, why)