Sunday, December 12, 2021

Lesson Plan 12/13-12/17

Math text exams and sight words assessments will be in hw folders. Classroom pack up, please send your child with a large shopping bag this week to pack up their books and supplies for the winter break. Thursday is an ugly sweater contest if you wish your child to participate. Friday we will have lessons and carols in the church at 9:00am parents are invited to join us but must sit separately from the class. We will have a Christmas party on Friday, I ask that you please send $5.00  if you haven't already done so to cover the costs of pizza, juice, water, and chips. Christmas break is December 20th through December 31st, school resumes January 3,2022. Have a safe, wonderful, and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. 

Sight words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Christmas
ELA-  Unit 3 Module A "Come on Rain"
Math- Module 3: Measurement: length, long, short
Science- Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- All about Families

Please practice the Christmas song at home, we will be singing this song at church on Friday for lessons and carols

Monday 12/13
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (come, she, with)
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.89-90 (letters Bb, Nn please read directions carefully)
Eureka math workbook pg.201 (homework help on pg.199)
Tuesday 12/14
Eureka math workbook pg. 205 (string in ziplock bag inside of hw folder)
Phonics worksheet on letter Bb (two sided)
Phonics worksheet on Nn (two sided)
Wednesday 12/15
Eureka math workbook pg.209
Spectrum Math worksheet on length shorter/longer (two sided)
Phonics worksheet on the letter Bb (two sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (come, she, with)
Ugly Christmas sweater day tomorrow Thursday
Thursday 12/16
Spectrum worksheet on measuring taller/shorter (two sided)
Ready Gen phonics book pg.91-92
Tomorrow Friday Christmas outfit red or green etc., if you haven't sent a bog shopping bag to pack up the students things. Lessons and Carols in the church have been changed to around 11:00 am.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lesson Plan 12/6-12/10

Mass on Wednesday December 8th parents are welcomed to join us at 9:00am. Sight word test will be completed this week and an index card with how your child did will be sent in their homework folder.  Thursday math test on 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. I will be collecting $5.00 for the Christmas Party next week Friday Dec.17th. We will have lessons and carols next week Friday and I would like the students to wear red, green, or a Christmas outfit in spirit of the lessons and carols we will participate in. Next month January students will have 4 sight words per week instead of 3 therefore it is imperative to practice sight words daily at home every evening to ensure your child knows the minimum 100 sight words by the end of kindergarten. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Christmas
ELA-  Finish Unit 2 module B compare and contrast "The Old Things" "Farming Then and Now" Introduce Unit 3 Module A "Come on Rain"
Math- Finish module 2 : Review 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, Introduce Module 3: Measurement 
Science-  Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 12/6
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (an, by, what)
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.17-18 Pat the Cat (have your child read it aloud to you, to build reading fluency)
Eureka math workbook pg.195
Tuesday 12/7
Spectrum math worksheet on tracing and drawing shapes/ composing shapes (two-sided)
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.137-138 (I, am) 
Our Catholic Faith handwriting book pg.58-59 letter Vv
Wednesday 12/8
Spectrum math worksheet on positional words (above, below, next to (two-sided)
Phonics worksheet on consonant Nn (please read directions carefully)(two sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (an, by, what) 
Study for math test tomorrow on two and three dimensional shapes
Log into your goggle account and complete assignments due
Thursday 12/9
Ready Gen phonics book pg.139-140 (the, little)
Phonics worksheet on the letter Nn