Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lesson Plan 9/25-9/29

Monday September 25, 2017 early dismissal 12:00 noon, after school program available if needed. MAP testing this week, its a computer based test on basic skills on students knowledge in ELA and math, parents will receive results in a few weeks.  It is imperative to review hw daily with your child to ensure academic progress.

Sight Words

Click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/25
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheets lesson 9 and 10
Tuesday 9/26
Handwriting book pg.16-19 (16, 17, 18, 19)
Math worksheet lesson 11
Wednesday 9/27
Math worksheet lesson 12
Religion book pg. 4-5
Thursday 9/28
Math worksheet lesson 13
Write a sentence with each sight from the list above
Regular clothes tomorrow  Friday 9/29 with $1.00 donation

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lesson Plan 9/18-9/22

All paperwork must be submitted by Monday September 18,2017. School will be closed Tuesday September 19, 2017. Gym clothes and sneakers for Wednesday.  Friday Sept.22 class picture day all students should be in full school uniform. Please remember to check blog daily for homework and other important announcements.  

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plan

Monday 9/18
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 5 and 6
School Closed Tomorrow Tuesday
Wednesday 9/20
Handwriting book pgs. 12-15
Math worksheet lesson 7
Dress down tomorrow Thursday with $1.00 donation because Friday full school uniform for Class Picture day.
Thursday 9/21
Math worksheet lesson 8
Write a sentence with each sight word listed for this week.
Tomorrow  Friday full uniform please class picture day.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Lesson Plan 9/11-9/15

This week we are in full swing. I am still missing paperwork for students in this class (emergency cards, permission to use technology etc.)  please have them back to me no later than Friday Sept. 15. Please make sure that you are signing in and signing out your child every morning at drop off and every afternoon for pick up. Mass at 9:00am on Tuesday September 12, 2017 students should be in full school uniform. Gym on Wednesday children should be in full gym uniform with sneakers on. Homework will be given Monday thru Thursday and all homework should be completed and handed in daily. Sight words given in class and as homework should be reviewed at home to ensure your child's academic success.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/11
Math worksheet lesson 1 (module 1)
Write each sight word from the list above three times in HW notebook
Tuesday 9/12
Math worksheet lesson 2
Religion book pg.2-3
Wednesday 9/13
Math worksheet lesson 3
Handwriting book pg.8-11
Thursday 9/14
Math worksheet lesson 4
Write a sentence with each sight word from the list above
Dress down with regular clothes tomorrow Friday 9/15 with $1.00 donation

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week of 9/4-9/8 Welcome Back!

All paperwork and emergency cards must be submitted no later than Monday September 11,2017. Please remember to label all of your child's things as some supplies have arrived with no names and I am unable to recall who bought what. I sent the calendar for the entire school year inside your child's hw folder, if your child did not have a folder I sent it in their book bag. I look forward to a great year working alongside your children. 

Thursday 9/7
Math worksheet (counting)