Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week of 12/14-12/18

Monday December 14, 2015 Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon after school program available if needed. Friday December 18, 2015 Lessons and Carols in Church at 8:30am, if possible I would like students to wear red or green in light of the Christmas season, parents are welcomed to join us. We will be collecting plastic bags for students to pack up books and items from their desks for classroom clean up during the winter break. I will hope that my winter break packets will be ready for students to take home by Friday, These packets are for students to practice math and reading skills during the Christmas break. Parents are welcomed to bring goodies for Friday's Christmas party. School Resumes Monday January 4, 2015. Have a wonderful Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Sight Words

scripture- the books of either the Old Testament or the New Testament or of both
shepherd-a person whose job is to take care of sheep, to guide (someone or something) 
lullaby- is a gentle song sung at bedtime.
quilt -is a blanket made from colored pieces of cloth sewn together to show a pattern or a picture.
dew-  drops of water that form outside at night on grass, trees, etc.
do- to perform (an action or activity)
sphere- a rounded three dimensional shape such as a ball
cube-a three dimensional shape with six square faces
cylinder- a three dimensional shape with two circular parallel bases and a curved surface
cone- a three dimensional  shape with a round base and a point at the top
nerves- Tiny, wire-like bits under the skin enabling us to feel 
sensitive-Able to feel something strongly or quickly
skin-The soft, smooth covering all over the outside of the body
texture- The way something feels on the outside or surface 
blind- Unable to see; not having the sense of sight
disability- A condition in which someone is not able to perform a task of daily life in the way that most people can
disease- A serious sickness or illness
opportunity--A good chance to accomplish something
remarkable- Wonderful or amazing 

Monday 12/14
Go math book pg. 201-202
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 12/15
Go math book pg. 203-204
Phonics book pg. 113-114
If you would like to donate money for the class pizza party for Friday, its at your discretion.
Wednesday 12/16
Go math book pg. 205-206
Write a sentence with each sight word
Thursday 12/17
Go math book pg. 207-208
Phonics book pg.115-116
Please practice song for lessons and carols tomorrow "Go Tell it on a Mountain" by cedarmont kids on
Students will be receiving books in ziplock bags they are to be read over the Christmas break and returned once school resumes, practice packets in reading and mathematics are also to be done and returned

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week of 12/7-12/11

Friday December 11, 2015 is a full day, all students should be dressed in full school uniform with uniform sweaters. Monday December 14, 2015 dismissal at 12:00 noon half-day schedule, after school program available if needed. Math test on Tuesday December 8, 2015 on two-dimensional shapes. 

Sight Words

wreath-an arrangement of leaves or flowers in the shape of a circle that is worn or placed as a sign of honor or victory
scripture- the sacred writings of a religion
seasons-one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which the year is commonly divided
weather-the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place
temperature-a measurement that indicates how hot or cold something is : a measurement in degrees showing the heat of something (such as air or water, persons body)
Three dimensional shapes- solid shapes that have length, width, and height
flat surface- a surface that is not curved
roll- to move forward along a surface by turning over and over
slide- to move over a surface without lifting or turning
stack- to put one object on top of another
sphere- a rounded three dimensional shape such as a ball 
nerves- Tiny, wire-like bits under the skin enabling us to feel 
sensitive-Able to feel something strongly or quickly
skin-The soft, smooth covering all over the outside of the body
texture- The way something feels on the outside or surface 

blind- Unable to see; not having the sense of sight
disability- A condition in which someone is not able to perform a task of daily life in the way that most people can
disease- A serious sickness or illness
opportunity--A good chance to accomplish something
remarkable- Wonderful or amazing 
Social Studies
shelter- a structure that covers or protects people or things
hear-receiving sound through the ears
taste- the flavor of something
touch-using your hands to feel something
smell-using the nose to notice an odor
see-using eyes to notice things or people

Go math workbook pg. 191-192
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Go math workbook pg.193-194
Phonics book pg.108,109,110
Go math workbook pg. 195-196
Write a sentence with each sight word
Go math workbook pg. 199-200
Phonics pg.111-112

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week of 11/30-12/4

Homework that is missed should be made-up as this is part of each students grade. Sight Word test Thursday December 3, 2015 please make sure to study with your child all sight words prior to this week. 

Sight Words

liturgy-a fixed set of ceremonies, words, etc., that are used during public worship in a religion
parish-an area that has its own local church and priest or minister, the group of people who go to the church in a particular area
advent-is the season in which we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Son of God.
faith-belief in the existence of God 
sports-a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other
games-a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure
sportsmanship-someone who follows the the rules of the game, helps his or her teammates, and behaves well no matter who wins.
punching bag- is a bag stuffed or filled with air.
gloves- a protective glove with thick padding
collection-is a group of things that are often very special to the person who has them.
rectangle--a two dimensional, or flat, shape with 4 straight sides and verticies
hexagon-a two dimensional, or flat, shape with 6 straight sides and verticies
alike-the same
different-not the same
sight- the act of seeing and looking at things with your eyes
taste- to detect flavors with your tongue
touch- to fell with your hands or other parts of your body covered by skin
amazing- suprisingly good, causing wonder
harm-an injury to your body
leap-to jump 
echo- a sound that you hear again after it bounces back off something
invisible- not able to be seen
sound wave- bands or waves of noise
vibrate- to move back and forth in a very small motion
volume-  the loudness of a sound; how loud or quiet a sound is
Social Studies
community-a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)
senses-one of the five natural powers (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) through which you receive information about the world around you

Go math book pg.183-184
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Go math book pg.185-186
Phonics book pg.103-104
Go math book pg.187-188
Write a sentence with each sight word (study for sight word test)
Go math book pg.189-190
Phonics book pg.106-107
(study for sight word test)
Students may wear clothing but must bring $1.00 donation.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week of 11/23-11/25

Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday November 25,2015  at 9:00 am. Parents invited to join, honors awards handed out after mass.Thanksgiving is approaching and we are still collecting cans Wednesday will be the last day for can collections. I will be collecting $3.00 for the Thanksgiving party. A reminder that school  will be closed Thursday November 26 and Friday November 27, 2014 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. No new sight words this week just a review of all the word given up to this point. Please review with children over the break since I will not be sending any homework. Please remember children can wear dress clothes for Wednesday's Thanksgiving Mass. No after-school program on Wednesday November 25,2015 please make sure you have arrangements, regular dismissal at 3:00pm.

liturgy-a fixed set of ceremonies, words, etc., that are used during public worship in a religion
parish-an area that has its own local church and priest or minister, the group of people who go to the church in a particular area
odd-  strange or unusual : different from what is normal or expected
plain- having no pattern or decoration
fancy- not plain or ordinary, very expensive and fashionable
triangle- a  two-dimensional, or flat, shape with 3 straight sides and 3 verticies.
rectangle- a  two-dimensional, or flat, shape with 4 straight sides of equal length 4 square verticies
boasting- Telling about something in a proud way, bragging
darted- Moved suddenly and rapidly
steadily- Continuously, at the same speed
feast- A large meal
greedy- Wanting much more of something than is needed
reflection- An image that is usually seen in a mirror
stream- A small body of running, fresh water; a small river 
Social Studies
pilgrim- one of the people who traveled by boat from England and created the first permanent settlement in New England at Plymouth in 1620
native american- a member of any of the first groups of people living in North America or South America;especially : a member of one of these groups from the U.S.
senses- one of the five natural powers (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) through which you receive information about the world around you

Go math book pg.177-178
Phonics book pg.92,93,94
Go math book pg. 179,180,181,182
Phonics pg. 99-100 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week of 11/16-11/20

Parent teacher conferences will be held Friday November 20,2015 from 1pm to 7pm. Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon on Friday, after school program available if needed. Please make sure you have no outstanding tuition balance otherwise I will not be able to meet with you about your child's report card. We are still collecting canned foods up until the week of Thanksgiving, your donations are greatly appreciated.

Sight Words

Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Go math book pg.77-78
Phonics book pg. 88-89
Go math book pg.171-172 section Geometry S.1 Identify shapes I
Gym will be twice a week Wednesday's and Thursday's students must be in full gym uniform with sneakers no exceptions.
We are now on Module 2 for math and ELA please be aware I will be posting a lot of information on the website you should be visiting to review with  your child/children. Please only do pages assigned in math book, note we have skipped pages in math book to go and move accordingly with Module 2 which covers shapes.
Write a sentence with each sight word
Go Math book pg.173-174 section Geometry S.2 Identify shapes II
Go math book pg.175-176
Phonics pg.90-91

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week of 11/9-11/13

Wednesday November 11, 2015 school closed for Veteran's Day. Friday November 13, 2015 is class picture day all students are to be in full school uniform with uniform sweaters please. Module 1 Assessments are posted on school blog please check for the scheduled days of exams. We are still collecting canned foods, only three students have contributed thus far this is a class effort as well as a school effort to help those in need during the season of Thanksgiving.

Sight Words

animals- a living thing that is not a human being or plant
farm- a piece of land used for growing crops or raising animals
zoo- a place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them
jungle- a tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly
saint- a person who is officially recognized by the Christian church as being very holy because of the way he or she lived
ordinary- normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special
unusual- not normal or usual
hunched-  to bend your body forward and down so that your back is rounded
swooped- to fly down through the air suddenly
swaying-  to move slowly back and forth
invention-  to create or produce for the first time
compare-to describe whether amounts or sizes are the same as, less than, or greater than each other
greater-larger in size or more in quantity or amount
less-having a value that is not as great as another value
circle-a plane curve equidistant from the center
two-dimensional-hexagon, square, triangle, rectangle shapes with sides and vertices
sight- the act of seeing and looking at things with your eyes
taste- to detect flavors with your tongue
touch- to fell with your hands or other parts of your body covered by skin
amazing- suprisingly good, causing wonder
harm-an injury to your body
iris- the colored part of the eye
protect- to keep something safe from harm
pupil- a small covered black hole in the center of your eye
leap-to jump 
echo- a sound that you hear again after it bounces back off something
invisible- not able to be seen
sound wave- bands or waves of noise
vibrate- to move back and forth in a very small motion
volume-  the loudness of a sound; how loud or quiet a sound is
Social Studies
keepsake-something that you keep to help you remember a person, place, or event : a memento or souvenir
tradition- a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time
sight- the sense through which a person or animal becomes aware of light, color, etc., by using the eyes : the ability to see
hear-the sense through which a person or animal is aware of sound : the ability to hear
taste-the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a thing that you can sense when it is in your mouth : the flavor that you can taste when you eat or drink something
touch-to put your hand, fingers, etc., on someone or something
smell-the quality of a thing that you can sense with your nose

Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Go math workbook pg.71-72
Study for test
Go math workbook pg.73-74
Phonics book pg. 86-87
Go math workbook pg.75-76
Write a sentence with each sight word
Study for ELA test 
* Class picture day tomorrow  Friday November 13 students are to be in full school uniform

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week of 11/2-11/6

I just want to extend my gratitude to all the parents for being so cooperative and patient. As I have been reviewing the math homework I have seen alot of errors, I was thinking about ordering manipulatives to help parents/guardians with homework, I think it would be very helpful for the students to have at home to do their homework with the materials needed. I will be asking for $2.00 to buy the materials for each child to have a ziplock for math manipulatives to keep at home. In the month of November we have a school canned drive where we collect canned food to help support St.Patrick nursing home during thanksgiving, what ever you are able to donate, will kindly be appreciated. Sight Word Quiz Thursday November 5, 2015.

Sight Words

desert-an area of very dry land that is usually covered with sand and is very hot
mountain-an area of land that rises very high above the land around it and that is higher than a hill
forest- a thick growth of trees and bushes that covers a large area
search-an attempt to find someone or something : the act or process of looking for someone or something
puzzled-feeling or showing confusion because something is difficult to understand
goggles- special eyeglasses that fit close to your face and that are worn to protect your eyes
alligator- a large reptile that has a long body, thick skin, and sharp teeth, that lives in the tropical parts of the U.S. and China, and that is related to crocodiles
anteater- an animal that has a very long nose and tongue and eats ants
adventure-an exciting or dangerous experience
equipment-supplies or tools needed for a special purpose
ten- one greater than 9; one less than 11
stockings- Close-fitting coverings for the feet and legs
struck- Beat or hit something hard to make a sound
diamond- A very hard, clear gemstone or jewel
twinkle- To shine with small flashes of light; to sparkle
wonder- To question or think about something in a curious or doubtful way
wish- To verbally or silently hope for something you want
Social Studies
community- a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)
nutrition-the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy
healthy-having good health

Write a sentence with each sight word
Go math book pg.63-64
Go math book pg. 65-66
Phonics book pg.82-83
* Class picture day has been moved to Friday November 13,2015 students are to be in full school uniform.
Wednesday/ Miercoles
Go math book pg.67-68
Write each sight word three times if you have not done so, otherwise please write a sentence with each sight word. My apologies for the confusion.
Go math book pg.69-70
Phonics book pg.66,74,80
Please remember to practice at home on (This is extra practice for students at home, you don't have to wait for me to assign it you can practice based on the math work from homework book) section Numbers and counting up to 10 c.16 number names, c.17 complete a number sequence 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lesson Plan 10/26-10/30

Wednesday Math Quiz chp 3 numbers through nine. Sight word quiz Wednesday October 28, 2015. As the day approaches I will decide tomorrow Monday October 26,2015 whether we will be having a Halloween party or not. Please be mindful to check the blog for changes or announcements. I will be collecting $4.00 for the Halloween party students are not to be told until Thursday afternoon please keep discretion because behavior fluctuates.

Sight Words

stream- a natural flow of water that is smaller than a river
lake-a large area of water that is surrounded by land
pond-an area of water that is surrounded by land and that is smaller than a lake
river-a large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land and goes into an ocean, a lake, etc.
ocean- the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface
search-an attempt to find someone or something : the act or process of looking for someone or something
puzzled-feeling or showing confusion because something is difficult to understand
goggles-special eyeglasses that fit close to your face and that are worn to protect your eyes
nine-one greater than eight; one less than ten
ten- one greater than nine; one less than eleven
Social Studies
family- a group of people who are related to each other
sight- the sense through which a person or animal becomes aware of light, color, etc., by using the eyes : the ability to see
hear-the sense through which a person or animal is aware of sound : the ability to hear
taste-the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a thing that you can sense when it is in your mouth : the flavor that you can taste when you eat or drink something
touch-to put your hand, fingers, etc., on someone or something
smell-the quality of a thing that you can sense with your nose

Go math book pg.53-54
Write each sight word three times in HW notebook
Go math book pg.55-56
Phonics pg. 68-69
Go math book pg. 57-58
Write a sentence with each sight word
Go math book pg.59-60
Phonics book pg.78-79