Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lesson Plan 12/19-12/21

Lessons and Carlos in church on Wednesday December 21.2016 at 8:30 am students are to wear green or red as per Mr.Woods, (children in the play are an exception) parents are invited to join us. I will be collecting shopping bags to pack away the students books and belongings for the Christmas break.  Please be advised that school will be closed from Dec.22 and will resume on Tuesday Jan. 3 2017. No new sight words this week as it is imperative that you study with them over the break. I will be sending some worksheets for students to do over the break and I will encourage you to log into your IXL accounts to practice math and language arts skills. Have a safe and blessed break, thank you for your continued patience and support.

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 12/19
Math worksheet lesson 4 and 7
Phonics book pg. 90, 91, 92
Tuesday 12/20
Math worksheet lesson 8

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lesson Plans 12/12-12/16

Assembly on Wednesday December 14, 2016 at 9:00am students should wear any color combination of green, white, or red, Parents are invited to join us. Friday December 16, 2016 no after school program all students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. No sight words this week as I will be attending training on Monday and Tuesday. 

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 12/12
Phonics book pg. 82, 83, 84
Sight word worksheet "a"
Math worksheet on shapes
Tuesday 12/13
Phonics book pg. 85, 86, 87Math worksheet on sides and corners
Sight word worksheet "the"
Wednesday 12/14
Phonics book pg. 88-89
Math worksheet lesson 5 (module 3)
Thursday 12/15
Math worksheet lesson 6
Sight word worksheet "be"

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lesson Plans 12/5-12/9

Mass on Thursday December 8, 2016 at 9:00am students should be in full uniform, parents are welcomed to join us. If you have not received an email from rowland reading superkids to set up an account please see me immediately. Blending sheets will be sent home next week for students to practice blending sounds. Module 2 test on 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, please review and log into IXL to review the section on Two dimensional shapes section V.1-V.7 and Three dimensional shapes section W.1-W.10. For next weeks Holiday assembly on Wednesday December 14, 2016 students can wear red, green, or white any of these color combination of clothing.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 12/5
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet
Tuesday 12/6
Math worksheet lesson 2 module 3
Phonics pg.75-76 Blending and Segmenting (I.1)
Wednesday 12/7
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 3
Thursday 12/8
Math worksheet -counting shapes
Phonics book pg. 78,79,80
Dress down tomorrow Friday 12/9 with $1.00 donation

Monday, November 28, 2016

Lesson Plans 11/28-12/2

Early Dismissal Friday December 2, 2016 at 12:00 noon after school program available if needed. Superkids progress test 2 will be administered on Thursday December 1st. Please continue to review sight words every evening, blending sheets will be distributed next week so students can practice blending at home. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans 

Monday 11/28
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 6 (module2)
Tuesday 11/29
Math worksheet lesson 7
Phonics book pg.70,71
Wednesday 11/30
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 8
Thursday 12/1
Math worksheet lesson 9
Phonics book pg. 72,73,74
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Lesson Plans 11/21-11/25

Thanksgiving Mass Wednesday November 23, at 9:00am parents welcome to join us. Early Dismissal Tuesday November 22 at 12:00 noon for parent teacher conferences from 1:00pm to 7:00pm, be advised that if tuition is not paid in full I will not be able to discuss your child's academic progress with you. We are still collecting can goods for Thanksgiving  but only up until Wednesday, for the Nursing home in the bronx. Thanks to all those who have donated cans, special thanks to the parents of Brianna Castillo for there generous canned food donation. I will be collecting $4.00 for the thanksgiving party on Wednesday, students may wear dress clothing. No new sight words this week, please reinforce all sight words given up to this point. 

Please click on this link to view lesson plans 

Monday 11/21
Phonics book pg.66,68,69
Math worksheet lesson 5 (module 2)
Tuesday 11/22
Math worksheet (module 2)
Wednesday 11/23
Please practice all sight words given up to this point 
Please log into ixl and practice math and ELA skills 

Lesson Plans 11/21-11/25

Thanksgiving Mass Wednesday November 23, at 9:00am parents welcome to join us. Early Dismissal Tuesday November 22 at 12:00 noon for parent teacher conferences from 1:00pm to 7:00pm, be advised that if tuition is not paid in full I will not be able to discuss your child's academic progress with you. We are still collecting can goods for Thanksgiving  but only up until Wednesday, for the Nursing home in the bronx. Thanks to all those who have donated cans, special thanks to the parents of Brianna Castillo for there generous canned food donation. I will be collecting $4.00 for the thanksgiving party on Wednesday, students may wear dress clothing. No new sight words this week, please reinforce all sight words given up to this point. 

Please click on this link to view lesson plans 

Monday 11/21

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lesson Plans 11/14-11/18

Thanksgiving assembly Thursday November 17 at 9:00am parents/guardians are invited to join us, students may way dress clothes. Friday November 18 School Closed for teacher training. Canned food is being collected for St.Patricks nursing home for Thanksgiving, please contribute if you can your donations will be greatly appreciated, as a class we have a total of 8 cans thus far collected. Sight Word assessment this week students should be able to identify sight words on a flash card.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 11/14
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 1 (Module 2)
Tuesday 11/15
Math worksheet lesson 2 (module 2)
Phonics book pg.54 and 56 only please only do pages assigned.
Wednesday 11/16
Math worksheet lesson 3
Write a sentence with each sight word
Dress down tomorrow ( no jeans please) Thursday Nov. 17 with $1.00 donation to help with the Thanksgiving canned drive.
Thursday 11/17
Math worksheet lesson 4
Phonics book pg.59,60 (booklet) and pages 64-65

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Lesson Plans 11/7-11/11

Module Exams in Math and ELA. Please go to to view Module 1 for kindergarten math and Domain 1 for ELA all of the material we have covered will be available for you to view. ELa exam Tuesday and Math exam Wednesday. School Closed Friday November 11, 2016 for Veterans Day. We are collecting can goods up until November 23, whatever you would like too donate will be gladly appreciated.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Click here for review sheet for module exams

Monday 11/7
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 33 & 34
Tuesday 11/8
Math worksheet lesson 35
Phonics book pg.46,47,48
Wednesday 11/9
Phonics book pg.49,50
Write a sentence with each sight word
*Can food donations are being collected by the school to help St.Patricks Nursing home in the bronx, if you can please bring any canned food to help the cause they will be collected up until Wednesday November 23,2016.
Full uniform tomorrow Thursday
Thursday 11/10
Phonics book pg. 51,52,53
Math worksheet lesson 36 and 37
Result for MAP testing will be distributed in HW folder are to be reviewed by parent/guardian please sign and return. School is closed tomorrow Friday.
Module exams results will be sent home next week.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lesson Plans 10/31-11/4

Halloween Parade Monday October 31, 2016  at 9:00am parents are welcomed to join us for the parade but afterwards must leave. Tuesday November 1, 2016 Mass at 9:00am parents are welcomed to join us, students should be in full school uniform. Friday November 4, 2016 Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon, after school program available if needed. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Tuesday 11/1
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 29, 30
Wednesday 11/2
Math worksheet lesson 31
Phonics book pg.42,43,44
Scholastic book order forms will be sent out today in hw folders, those wishing to order please be mindful they are do by Nov.17
Thursday 11/3
Math worksheet lesson 32
Write a sentence with each sight word
Dress down tomorrow with a $1.00 donation

Monday, October 24, 2016

Lesson Plans 10/24-10/28

Sight word assessment are still being administered because I do testing for each individual student it takes longer but I should be finished by Tuesday and index cards will be sent for students noting how many sight words they were able to identify and a list of the words that were unrecognized by the student. Rowland Reading progress test 1 will be administered Tuesday October 25, 2016, Students should be familiar with beginning and final sounds for the letters c, o, and g. MAP (measurement of academic progress) will begin on Wednesday October 26, 2016 no test preparation, this is a general knowledge test.   I will be collecting $2.00 for Halloween festivities just to buy chips and extra juices/water for students, One parent has offered to buy pizza, juice, and candy for the students and another parent will be bringing cupcakes. The annual Halloween parade will take place on Monday October 31st at 9:00 AM. Parents are welcome to join the festivities. Class picture day will be Friday October 28,2016 students should be in full uniform. 

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 10/24
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheets lesson 25, lesson 26
Tuesday 10/25
Phonics book pg.35,36
Math worksheet lesson 27
Sight word assessment in hw folder on a index card
Wednesday 10/26
Phonics pg. 38,39
Write a sentence with each sight word
Dress down tomorrow Thursday with $1.00 donation, This is because Friday all students must come in full uniform for the class picture.
Please visit for tips on helping your children with their math homework. Follow the prompts for a parent.
Thursday 10/27
Phonics workbook pg.40-41
Math worksheet lesson 28
A friendly reminder full dress uniform tomorrow Friday for class picture day. Also Monday we will have Halloween festives children can wear costumes to enjoy part of the festivities in the school.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Lesson Plans 10/17-10/21

 Sight word assessment this week, students should be able to recognize sight words given from the beginning up until last week. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson 

Monday 10/17
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 21
Tuesday 10/18
Math worksheet lesson 22
Phonics book pg.28, 29, 30
Wednesday 10/19
Math worksheet lesson 23
Write a sentence with each sight word
*No early dismissal Friday faculty meeting was cancelled, it will be a full day of class.*
Thursday 10/20
Math worksheet lesson 24
Phonics book pg.31-34
Dress down tomorrow Friday 10/21 with a $1.00 donation

Monday, October 10, 2016

Lesson Plans 10/11-10/14

Hispanic Heritage on Wednesday October 12, 2016 at 9:00am parents welcome to join us for a small presentation. Progress reports will be sent home Friday October 14, 2016 please make sure to review it. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Tuesday 10/11
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 18
Wednesday 10/12
Phonics book pg. 23,24,25,26 (Ff)
Math worksheet lesson 19
Thursday 10/13
Math worksheet lesson 20
Write a sentence with each sight word
Dress down tomorrow Friday 10/14 with $1.00 donation

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lesson Plans 10/3-10/7

Homework is posted daily every afternoon to ensure we cover the material in class. Picture day is Monday October 3, 2016 please make sure envelopes are given to Ms. Resto in the tuition office. Mass on Tuesday October 4 at 9:00 am parents are welcomed to join us for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Students may bring their animals from home to be blessed.If dogs or cats are brought to the Mass they must be bought up to church during Mass and picked by a parent/adult after Mass.  Friday October 7, 2016 School Closed for Data Day.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 10/3
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 13, 14
Tuesday 10/4
Math worksheet lesson 15
Sight word worksheet
Wednesday 10/5
Write a sentence with each sight word
Sight word worksheet
Math worksheet lesson 16
Scholastic forms were sent out in hw folders yesterday and will be due next week Friday 10/14/16
Dress down tomorrow Thursday 10/6 with $1.00 donation 
Thursday 10/6
Phonics book pg.16,17
Math worksheet lesson 17
Sight word worksheet was
Monday 10/10 School Closed for Columbus Holiday, school resumes Tuesday 10/11  Math section Numbers and counting to 10 C.2 Language Arts section B.4

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lesson Plans 9/26-9/30

School Closed Wednesday September 28, 2016 for Archdiocesan Conference for teachers. Reading quiz on Tuesday and Math quiz on Thursday. Just a friendly reminder I have given students username and passwords for IXL, students can begin practicing skills that we have covered thus far in class. Superkids Rowland reading program has begun and I would like to set up a sign up sheet for parents to clearly state their email that they check regularly so they don't miss the set up process for your child to access superkids online features. I will be sending the parent letter regarding superkids this week.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 9/26
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math Worksheets lesson 9 and lesson 10
Tuesday 9/27
Math Worksheet Lesson 11
Sight word worksheets: many, you (Kindergarten B.1 for Math and section A.1 for Language Arts)
Thursday 9/28
Math worksheet lesson 12
Sight word worksheet: soon
Write a sentence with each sight word

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of 9/19-9/23

Picture Day will be Monday, October 3rd.  Parents who wish to have their child's picture taken should return the envelope to Mrs. Resto in the tuition office before October 3rd. Students have the option to wear DRESS UP clothes for picture day - no jeans, etc. or students may wear their school uniform. Next week I will begin administering quizzes in Reading/ELA and Math, students should be able to recall all the math and Reading/ELA we have done thus far: such as numbers 1-10, sorting, rhyme, Letter sound correspondence to initial C. Please remember to check blog every afternoon for HW assignments and further class announcements. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 9/19
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheets (lesson 5)
Tuesday 9/20
Math worksheet (lesson 6)
Phonics worksheet on Consonant c (lesson 22)
Sight word worksheet review the word is
IXL website will be used to reinforce students skills in mathematics and language arts.
* I will be sending IXL username and passwords in students hw folder. 
Please keep them in their hw folders but do write them down so they can continue to practice language arts and math even when hw is not assigned students can practice .The website is If you have any issues logging in with the info I have provided please see me immediately to resolve this ASAP.
The password and username will be on an index card please check both sides of the index card for username and password.
Wednesday 9/21
Math worksheet (lesson 7)
Write a sentence with each sight word
Phonics worksheet with the consonant C
* IXL usernames will be re issued there was a missing input for the logins to work, my apologies if you would like to use them they are the login info I provided with @archny at the end of the username no spaces.
Scholastic book order forms will still be accepted through Friday if you are still interested in purchasing books for your child.
Thursday 9/22
Math worksheet (lesson 8)
Sight word worksheet
Phonics worksheet consonant /c/
* dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation
IXL usernames have been updated with the correct info.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week of 9/12-9/16

Welcome Back!
This week we are in full swing. I am still missing paperwork for some students please have them back to me by Tuesday. Please make sure that you are signing in and out your child every morning at drop off and every afternoon for pick up. Mass at 9:00am on Thursday September 15, 2015 students should be in full school uniform. Gym and Art will be every Wednesday children should be in full gym uniform with sneakers on. Also on Wednesday's the art teacher has requested smocks or an old t-shirt for students to wear during art class these can remain here and will be sent home to wash off if they get dirty. Homework will be given Monday thru Thursday and all homework should be completed and handed in on Friday morning, I will not check homework until Friday but hw folders are due in class each day for new hw to be put in the folders. Sight words should be reviewed at home as well to ensure academic success.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans 

Monday 9/12
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet
Tuesday 9/13
Math worksheets
Wednesday 9/14
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheets
* some students are still missing their draw and write journal available at staples
Thursday 9/15
Math worksheets
* forms are still missing for students
* School picture forms were sent out today please read
* Scholastic books order forms:if you would like to order any books please enclose the money in an envelope and return to me no later than Wednesday September 21,2016.
* Dress down regular clothes tomorrow Friday Sept.16, 2016 with a $1.00 donation please.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Supply List 2016-2017

Supply List 2016-2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Below please find a list of the supplies your child will need in Kindergarten for the school year.
Supply list:
Please label all of your child's supplies.
2 notebooks- Please purchase them in our school supply store as the lines on these notebooks make it easier for children learning penmanship (Make sure they are the blue ones in the school supply store)
6 pocket folders - Please purchase these in the school supply store as these are sturdy and more durable (Please put your child’s name on all folders)
1 draw and write journal notebook/notepad (available at staples)
2 packs of #2 pencils
1 large eraser/ or eraser tops
1 child friendly scissor
1 pencil case (Large enough to fit crayons, pencils, etc.)
2 packs of crayons
1 dry erase marker
1 pack of index cards
6 glue sticks
1 Activity book (Spectrum workbook for e.g. math, reading, phonics that is grade appropriate)
2 Reams of white printing paper
2 boxes of tissue
1 roll of paper towel
2 Clorox or Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
1 Purell hand sanitizer
1 box of Ziploc bags (gallon size)
A change of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear and socks in case of an accident.)*Please place clothes in a large Ziploc bag and label with your child’s name*
Throughout the school year I will inform you of any supplies that we might be running out of and your donations toward classroom supplies are always welcomed and appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Week of 6/13-6/16

Thursday June 16, 2016 kindergarten graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 11:00 am but students should be here at 10:00am, parents can pick up the students cap and gowns in the tuition office with Mrs.Resto and pay the fee.For the graduation there is a maximum of 3-4 people no more than this please, as this is a large class and we will need to accommodate all the families Students last day is Wednesday of regular school and after school program. Please send your child each day with their backpacks as they will be taking their books home this week before Thursday. I want to remind parents and guardians to remember to please have your child read over the summer break. Have a wonderful summer break,  best of luck to all the students. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Lesson Plans 6/6-6/10

Tuesday June 7, 2016 math quiz on subtraction. Friday June 10, 2016 as per June calendar. For the graduation on Thursday June 16, 2016 children may wear dress clothes no dress code since they will have cap and gowns, this day will be the students last day of school.

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 6/6
Go math book pg.123-124&145-146
Phonics book pg.229-230
Tuesday 6/7
Go math book pg. 147-148 &151-152
Phonics book pg.231-232 Subtraction Section J.3 and J.4
Wednesday 6/8
Go math book pg. 153-154
Phonics book pg.233-234 Subtraction section J.5
Thursday 6/9
Go math book pg.155-156
Phonics book pg.235-236
Students received ITBS state scores please read report carefully to see where your child is on a nationwide scale.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/31-6/2

Early dismissal Thursday June 2 at 12:00 noon after school program in session if needed. Friday June 3, 2016 School Closed as per June monthly calendar. Students should be reading every evening to ensure a smooth transition into the next grade, review of sight words is also imperative for reading.

Please click here to view lesson plans

Tuesday 5/31
Go math book pg.117-118
Phonics book pg.225-226
Wednesday 6/1
Go math book pg.119-120
Pick four sight words and write a sentence with each word.
Students may wear clothes but must bring $1.00 on Thursday
Thursday 6/2
Go math book pg.121-122
Phonics book 227-228

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lesson Plan 5/23-5/27

School will be closed Friday May 27 and Monday May 30, 2016 for the Memorial Day Holiday. Please ensure that you always read the school blog to keep informed about school activities outside the classroom. Iris alerts are sent out every week if you are not receiving them
please check with the secretary Alba to make sure the school office has your correct information.
Math Quiz on Tuesday on Chapter 7 Numbers 11-19.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 5/23
Go math book pg. 109-110
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 5/24
Go math book pg. 111-112
Phonics pg. 221-222
Wednesday 5/25
Go math book pg.113-114
Write a sentence with each sight word
Tomorrow Thursday dress down shorts knee high only with $1.00
Thursday 5/26
Go math book pg.115-116
Phonics book pg.223-224
*For Tuesday's May procession children need Rosary beads. Pleaase ensure your child is in full school uniform for this day.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/16-5/20

Early Dismissal Friday May 20, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Progress reports will be sent home on Friday. 

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 5/16
Go math workbook pg. 137-138
Phonics book pg.215-216
Tuesday 5/17
Go math book pg. 139-140
Phonics book pg. 217-218
Wednesday 5/18
Go math book pg.141-142
Pick any three sight words from hw notebook and write a sentence with them.
Thursday 5/19
Go math book pg. 143-144
Phonics book pg.219-220
Clothes tomorrow with $1.00 shorts may be worn but they must be to the knees as per the principal!! Please be advised this is a strict school policy.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/9-5/13

Math quiz on chp.5 addition on Tuesday May 10. Bake sale Friday May 13, 2016 students wishing to support should bring at least $1.00 to buy goods.

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 5/9
Go math book 129-130
Phonics book pg.137-138
We have run low on tissues if you can please donate a box of tissue when possible we don't need a lot just enough to get us through graduation in June, Thanks in advance.
Tuesday 5/10
Go math book pg.131-132
Phonics book pg.211-212
Wednesday 5/11
Go math book pg.133-134
Phonics book pg.97-98
Thursday 5/12
Go math book pg.135-136
Pick 5 random sight words and write a sentence with each one.
NO UNIFORM TOMORROW FRIDAY 5/13 ($1.00 donation)
Bring $ money if they wish to purchase something from the bake sale

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/2-5/6

Finish NYSESLAT TESTING. Begin ITBS standardized testing this week no preparation needed. Star Wars Day Wednesday May 4, 2016 Costume contest, students wishing to participate in contest may dress as their favorite star wars character. Bake sale on Wednesday May 4th students wishing to buy something from the bake sale should bring at least $1.00. Thursday May 5, 2016 School Mass at 9:00am students should be in full school uniform followed by awards and honors after mass. Friday May 6th School Science fair, details on school blog. Friday May 6,2016 Kindergarten picture day with cap and gown students are to be in full school uniform to make sure gown fits properly during picture, envelopes with $ should be bought into office prior to picture day.

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 5/2

Go math book pg.103-104
Phonics book pg.203-204
Tuesday 5/3
Go math book pg.105-106
Phonics book pg.205-206
Wednesday 5/4
Pick any 5 sight words and write a sentence
Phonics book pg. 207-208
Thursday 5/5
Go math book pg.127-128
Phonics book pg. 209-210

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lesson Plans 4/25-4/29

Next week Wednesday May 4,2016 Star Wars Day. NYSESLAT testing continued.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 4/25
Go math book pg.95-96
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 4/26
Go math book pg.97-98
Phonics book pg.197,198,199,200
Wednesday 4/27
Write a sentence with each sight word
Go math book pg 99-100
Thursday 4/28
Phonics book pg.201-202
Go math book pg. 101-102
No dress down. Uniforms only

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lesson Plans 4/18-4/22

Early Dismissal Friday April 22, 2016 at 12:00 noon for parent- teacher conference from 1:00pm to 7:00pm sharp, after school program available if needed. No new sight words this week, please study for sight word test Friday.

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 4/18
Go math workbook pg.87-88
Phonics book pg.189-190
Tuesday 4/19
Go math workbook pg.89-90
Phonics book pg.191-192
Wednesday 4/20
Go math workbook pg.91-92
Phonics book pg.193-194
HW notebook to practice sight words
Click on this link to view sight word list
Thursday 4/21
Go math book pg.93-94
Phonics book pg.195-196
HW notebook so they can study for sight word test
Dress down Friday with $1.00

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Lesson Plans 4/11-4/15

NYSESLAT will be given to students who speak more than one language, testing will begin this week Tuesday no preparation needed. Please remember to have your children try reading every evening for at least 5-10 minutes. Sight word test next week please make sure to review sight words this week. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 4/11
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Engage NY math worksheet section Comparing G.4
Tuesday 4/12
Go Math workbook pg.81-82
Phonics book pg.183,184,185,186 Additon I.1
Wednesday 4/13
Go math workbook pg.83-84
Write a sentence with each sight word Addition I.2
Thursday 4/14
Go math workbook pg.85-86
Phonics book pg. 187-188 Addition I.3
Dress down tomorrow Friday with a $1.00 donation
Tomorrow Friday students will get ziplock bags with books to practice reading fluency over the weekend, please be mindful that if your child is not reading they will be held back.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Lesson Plans 4/4-4/8

Hope everyone had a great break. As we move forward I remind you how imperative it is for each child to be reading by the end of kindergarten or they cannot be promoted into the first grade. If your child is already reading a focus on comprehension is the next step, as children read they should be able to understand what they are reading. As we continue forward we will be very focused on reading and writing.

Sight Words

resurrection- the event told about in the Bible in which Jesus Christ returned to life after his death
Easter- The celebration of the return of Jesus Christ to life following his death
blob- a usually small amount of something thick and wet
glob- a large, round drop of something soft or wet
more- greater in amount, number, or size
less-  not so much : smaller in amount or number
compare-  to look at (two or more things) closely in order to see what is similar or different about them 
eventually- At some later time; in the end
hero- A very brave person
orchards- Areas of land where fruit trees are grown 
bare-Without any covering
deciduous- Losing leaves every year
dormant,-Not active; asleep
habitat- A place where an animal or plant lives that has food, water, and shelter
sheds- Drops, loses, or separates from something
cones- The parts of some evergreen plants that contain the seeds 
conifers- Evergreen trees that have needle-like leaves
deciduous- Losing leaves every year
evergreen- Having green leaves all year round
needles-Very thin leaves
bouquet- A bunch of flowers that has been arranged and wrapped
lumberjack- A person who cuts down trees; a logger 
medicines- Substances given to a sick person to help them feel better 
oxygen- A gas found in air and water
botanist- Someone who studies plants
botany- The study of plants
canvas- A piece of material on which one can paint 
crops- Vegetables or plants that are grown on a farm for food 
Social Studies
countries-an area of land that is controlled by its own government
seed- a plant from which a new plant can grow
stem-the main long and thin part of a plant that rises above the soil and supports the leaves and flowers
leaves- one of the flat and typically green parts of a plant that grow from a stem or twig
flower- the part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that usually lasts a short time, and from which the seed or fruit develops
root- the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground, and holds the plant in place

Please click on this link to view lesson plans 

Monday 4/4
Write each sight word three times in HW notebook
Engage NY math worksheet
Tuesday 4/5
Engage NY math worksheet
Phonics book pg.177-178 section on Comparing G.5
Wednesday 4/6
Engage NY math worksheet
Write a sentence with each sight word Section on Comparing G.3
Thursday 4/7
Engage NY math worksheet
Phonics book pg.179,180,181,182 section on Comparing G.2

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week of 3/14-3/18

Module testing this week please check school blog for schedule students will only be tested in ELA and Math modules. Thursday March 17, 2016 St.Patrick's day students may wear green. Friday March 18, 2016 no after school program please make arrangements accordingly. Have a wonderful break school will be closed From March 21  through March 31 and will resume Monday April 4, 2016. No new sight words this week to focus on exams, please review all sight words given up to this point. 

*Please remember to bring in lenten rice bowl boxes this week. I want to tell you to please send shopping bags as we will be backing up classroom for the break and we will need at least two per child to make sure all their belongings fit.
Monday 3/14
Engage NY math worksheet
Tuesday 3/15
Phonics book pg.167,168, 169, 170
Wednesday 3/16
Phonics book pg.171,172,173,174
I will be collecting $3.00 for pizza on Friday and students may wear dress clothes no jeans please.
Thursday 3/17
Engage NY math worksheet
Phonics book pg.175-176

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Lesson Plans 3/7-3/11

Early Dismissal Friday March 11,2016 at 12:00 noon after school program available if needed. Module exams in ELA and Math will be administered next week please check school blog for more information. I will be posting a review sheet on blog this week for students to study from.

Sight Words

friendship-the state of being friends : the relationship between friends
club- a group of people who meet to participate in an activity (such as a sport or hobby), the place where the members of a club meet
groom-a man who has just married or is about to be married
bride- a man who has just married or is about to be married
stuff-materials, supplies, or equipment
enough-equal to what is needed
fewer-not so many : a smaller number of
same as- equal in quantity; exactly like someone or something else
less-not so much : smaller in amount or number
more-greater in amount, number, or size
honey-A sweet, sticky food made by bees from the nectar of flowers 
nectar- A sweet liquid found in flowers that bees and some birds collect 
petals- The colored, outer parts of a flower that are not usually green 
pollen- A fine, usually yellowish powder found in the center of flowers 
pollination-When pollen from one flower lands on another flower and the second flower makes seeds
blossoms- The flowers on a plant or tree 
core-The center or middle part of something
fruit- The part of the plant that contains the seed 
produce-To make 
scrumptious- Something that tastes very good 
eventually- At some later time; in the end
hero- A very brave person
orchards- Areas of land where fruit trees are grown bare- Without any covering
deciduous-  Losing leaves every year
dormant- Not active; asleep
habitat- A place where an animal or plant lives that has food, water, and shelter
sheds- Drops, loses, or separates from something
Social Studies
geography- an area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.
bud- a small shoot on a plant that becomes a flower or leaf
petal- one of the colored outer parts of a plant
shrivel- to become dry and wrinkled

Please click on this link to view lesson plans


Monday 3/7
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Engage NY math worksheet
Tuesday 3/8
Engage NY math worksheet
Phonics pg.164
Please review from superkids practice book for reading test on Thursday.
Wednesday 3/9
Engage NY math worksheet
Write a sentence with each sight word
Review for superkids progress test 
Engage NY math worksheet 
Phonics pg.165-166
Students may wear clothes tomorrow Friday  for $1.00 donation to Haiti Orphanage
Review sheet will be up this evening please stay tuned for update

Please click on this link to view Review Sheet for Module Exams