Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/16-5/20

Early Dismissal Friday May 20, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Progress reports will be sent home on Friday. 

Please click here to view lesson plans

Monday 5/16
Go math workbook pg. 137-138
Phonics book pg.215-216
Tuesday 5/17
Go math book pg. 139-140
Phonics book pg. 217-218
Wednesday 5/18
Go math book pg.141-142
Pick any three sight words from hw notebook and write a sentence with them.
Thursday 5/19
Go math book pg. 143-144
Phonics book pg.219-220
Clothes tomorrow with $1.00 shorts may be worn but they must be to the knees as per the principal!! Please be advised this is a strict school policy.

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