Sunday, March 26, 2023

Week of March 27-March 31

Students will need to bring in a large shopping bag to school to pack up the books during spring break. We will have a little class party on Friday I am collecting $3.00 donation or if you would like to bring something that will be fine too. Students can wear dress up clothing on Friday. Tuesday students will take a math quiz to review addition, subtraction and number bonds, Wednesday ELA test end of Unit 4 Ready Gen phonics and comprehension test. Thursday students are to wear their Gym uniform.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- We Pray As Jesus Did
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 5 Module A "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle
Math- Addition and Subtraction Stories and Counting to 20
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- How do living things change the environment  

Monday 3/27
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.121-122
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook (but, how, said, was)
Tuesday 3/28
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.43-44 read the booklet "How Many?" and pg. 113-114
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.125-126
Wednesday 3/29
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.129-130
Write sentence with each sight word (but, how, said, was) make sure your child is dictating the sentence to you and you are helping them write it down
Thursday 3/30
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.133-134
Math practice sheet
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.141-142

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Week of 3/20-3/24

Monday March 20th school mass at 10:00 Feast of St.Joseph parents are welcomed to join us. Friday March 24th school closed, for a teacher training. Rhyming words test will be administered on Wednesday students should be able to recognize rhyming words, sight word test next week. Students will be sent home with books on Thursday they will be able to keep these books at home to practice reading fluency. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- We Belong to the Church
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 4 Module B "Clothes in Many Cultures"
Math- Addition and Subtraction Stories and Counting to 20
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- How do living things change the environment  

Monday 3/20
Eureka math workbook pg.105-106
Write each sight word five time in HW notebook
Log into google and complete assignments that have not been done yet
Tuesday 3/21
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.113
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.111-112 (read directions carefully)
Wednesday 3/22
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.109-110
Phonics worksheets (word families, and short e sound)
Tomorrow Thursday gym uniform!!
Thursday 3/23
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.117-118
Phonics worksheet letter Ee (double sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (her, his, make, which)

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Week of 3/13-3/17

School will be closed Friday March 17th. Students should wear their gym uniform with sneakers on Thursday this week. Math quiz on Wednesday on numbers bonds and addition problems. We have run out of tissues if you haven't already, please donate a box. On another note please make sure your child has a mask daily as we are short on disposable masks too 😕. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Morality
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 4 Module B finish reading "Making Music" and introduce "Clothes in Many Cultures"
Math- Model composition and decomposition of numbers to 10
Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- Living things: Animals; habitats 

Monday 3/13
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.61 and 89
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook (review all sight words)
Tuesday 3/14
Eureka math workbook pg.93,97
Phonics worksheet letter Gg (read directions carefully)
Wednesday 3/15
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg. 43-44 Read aloud "How Many" and pg.109-110 Ee
Math worksheets on Number Bonds 
Thursday 3/16
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.101
Number bond worksheet (double sided)
Write a sentence with wach sight word in HW notebook

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Week of 3/6-3/10

National Barbie Day on Thursday March 9 students may wear barbie or ken or a hippie. Friday stations of the cross at 11:00am parents are welcomed to loin us. Rhyming words test Wednesday. Please make sure to check your child's google classroom, assignments have been posted and should be completed in a timely manner. Lent boxes were sent home  last week and are to be returned to school before Easter break, please give a small donation.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion-  The Three Days ( Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil)
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 4 Module B "Making Music
Aim: To identify and describe text features in a book
Math- Model composition and decomposition of numbers to 10
Aim: Solve add to with result unknown word problems to 8 with


Social Studies- Countries and places around the world
Science- Living things: Animals; habitats 

Monday 3/6
Eureka math workbook pg.69 &73
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook
Tuesday 3/7
Eureka math workbook pg.77
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.107-108 Gg
Wednesday 3/8
Eureka math workbook pg.81
Number bond worksheet (double sided)
Phonics worksheet on letter Gg (double sided)
Tomorrow dress up as  Barbie-Girls, Ken-boys, or a hippie from the 80's
Thursday 3/9
Write a sentence with each sight word in HW notebook
Eureka math workbook pg. 85
Phonics worksheet letter Gg
Log into google and complete tasks if you haven't already done so
Tomorrow Friday full gym uniform