Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week of 10/29-11/2

I hope that everyone has overcome the storm and that all the children and your families are safe, unfortunately we will not be celebrating Halloween due to the storm. School will resume on Monday November 5,2012 children should be in full uniform, the money given for the Halloween party will go towards our Thankgiving party in November or I will be happy to refund you back.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lesson plans 10/22-10/26

Friday November 26,2012 Pink day children can wear a pink shirt or sweater.
We will be having a Halloween party on Wednesday October 31, 2012. I will be collecting $6.00 for Mcdonalds for the children to eat lunch, they will still need to bring a snack for that day. Children can wear their costumes on this day and parents are welcomed to join us for the parade from 9:00am - 10:00am.  

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view Religion lesson

Please click on this link to view Reading lesson

Please click on this link to view Mathematics lesson

Please click on this link to view Phonics lesson

Please click on this link to view Science lesson

Please click on this link to view Social Studies lesson

Prog. in mathematics pg.10
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Phonics worksheet
Religion resource book pg.13-14
Prog. in mathematics pg.11
Sight word worksheet
Prog. in mathematics pg.12
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lesson Plans 10/15-10/19

Friday October 19,2012 Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon. Thursday October 18, 2012 Math quiz on most, fewer, and equalizing groups of objects. Last Friday October 12,2012 children were tested for vision and hearing and many children received a letter if you are parent that received a letter recommending child to see an eye doctor or hearing specialist it is imperative that you do so immediately to ensure your child's academic progress. Many children who do not have these necessary hearing or vision aides will not progress academically. Reading is fundamental in this grade and if children struggle with their vision they will lack the reading skills necessary to move on to the next grade.  

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view Religion lesson

Please click on this link to view Reading lesson

Please click on this link to view Mathematics lesson

Please click on this link to view Phonics lesson

Please click on this link to view Science lesson

Please click on this link to view Social Studies lesson

Prog. in mathematics pg.45
Write each sight three times in hw notebook
Phonics worksheet
Religion Resource book pg.10
Prog. in mathematics pg.46
Religion Resource book pg.11-12
Prog. in mathematics pg.9
Sight word worksheet

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lesson Plans week of 10/8-10/12

School closed Monday October 8, 2012 Columbus Day. Tuesday is gym please remember children should be in full gym uniform.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view Religion lesson 

Please click on this link to view Reading lesson

Please click on this link to view Mathematics lesson

Please click on this link to view Phonics lesson 

Please click on this link to view Science lesson 

Please click on this link to view Social Studies lesson

Prog. in mathematics workbook pg.42
Write sight words three times in hw notebok
Prog. in mathematics workbook pg.43
Phonics worksheet
Prog. in mathematics workbook pg.44
Sight Word worksheet