Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lesson Plans 9/26-9/30

School Closed Wednesday September 28, 2016 for Archdiocesan Conference for teachers. Reading quiz on Tuesday and Math quiz on Thursday. Just a friendly reminder I have given students username and passwords for IXL, students can begin practicing skills that we have covered thus far in class. Superkids Rowland reading program has begun and I would like to set up a sign up sheet for parents to clearly state their email that they check regularly so they don't miss the set up process for your child to access superkids online features. I will be sending the parent letter regarding superkids this week.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 9/26
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math Worksheets lesson 9 and lesson 10
Tuesday 9/27
Math Worksheet Lesson 11
Sight word worksheets: many, you (Kindergarten B.1 for Math and section A.1 for Language Arts)
Thursday 9/28
Math worksheet lesson 12
Sight word worksheet: soon
Write a sentence with each sight word

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of 9/19-9/23

Picture Day will be Monday, October 3rd.  Parents who wish to have their child's picture taken should return the envelope to Mrs. Resto in the tuition office before October 3rd. Students have the option to wear DRESS UP clothes for picture day - no jeans, etc. or students may wear their school uniform. Next week I will begin administering quizzes in Reading/ELA and Math, students should be able to recall all the math and Reading/ELA we have done thus far: such as numbers 1-10, sorting, rhyme, Letter sound correspondence to initial C. Please remember to check blog every afternoon for HW assignments and further class announcements. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plans

Monday 9/19
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheets (lesson 5)
Tuesday 9/20
Math worksheet (lesson 6)
Phonics worksheet on Consonant c (lesson 22)
Sight word worksheet review the word is
IXL website will be used to reinforce students skills in mathematics and language arts.
* I will be sending IXL username and passwords in students hw folder. 
Please keep them in their hw folders but do write them down so they can continue to practice language arts and math even when hw is not assigned students can practice .The website is If you have any issues logging in with the info I have provided please see me immediately to resolve this ASAP.
The password and username will be on an index card please check both sides of the index card for username and password.
Wednesday 9/21
Math worksheet (lesson 7)
Write a sentence with each sight word
Phonics worksheet with the consonant C
* IXL usernames will be re issued there was a missing input for the logins to work, my apologies if you would like to use them they are the login info I provided with @archny at the end of the username no spaces.
Scholastic book order forms will still be accepted through Friday if you are still interested in purchasing books for your child.
Thursday 9/22
Math worksheet (lesson 8)
Sight word worksheet
Phonics worksheet consonant /c/
* dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation
IXL usernames have been updated with the correct info.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week of 9/12-9/16

Welcome Back!
This week we are in full swing. I am still missing paperwork for some students please have them back to me by Tuesday. Please make sure that you are signing in and out your child every morning at drop off and every afternoon for pick up. Mass at 9:00am on Thursday September 15, 2015 students should be in full school uniform. Gym and Art will be every Wednesday children should be in full gym uniform with sneakers on. Also on Wednesday's the art teacher has requested smocks or an old t-shirt for students to wear during art class these can remain here and will be sent home to wash off if they get dirty. Homework will be given Monday thru Thursday and all homework should be completed and handed in on Friday morning, I will not check homework until Friday but hw folders are due in class each day for new hw to be put in the folders. Sight words should be reviewed at home as well to ensure academic success.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plans 

Monday 9/12
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet
Tuesday 9/13
Math worksheets
Wednesday 9/14
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheets
* some students are still missing their draw and write journal available at staples
Thursday 9/15
Math worksheets
* forms are still missing for students
* School picture forms were sent out today please read
* Scholastic books order forms:if you would like to order any books please enclose the money in an envelope and return to me no later than Wednesday September 21,2016.
* Dress down regular clothes tomorrow Friday Sept.16, 2016 with a $1.00 donation please.