Sunday, January 29, 2017

Lesson Plan 1/30-2/3

Mass on Friday February 3 at 9:00am. Dismissal at 12:00 noon on Friday February 3, 2017 for parent- teacher conferences from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. A reminder to parents to please review with your children when possible to ensure their academic progress. 

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plan

Monday 1/30
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 24 and 25
Tuesday 1/31
Math worksheet lesson 26
Phonics book pg.116,0117,118
Wednesday 2/1
Math worksheet lesson 27
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook Comparing G.1 and G.2
Thursday 2/2
Math worksheet lesson 27
Phonics book pg.119,120
Full uniform tomorrow Friday 2/3 because we have mass.
Early dismissal tomorrow 2/3 at 12:00noon

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lesson Plan 1/23-1/27

New Dismissal for students will be at 3:15pm to ensure the mathematics curriculum is completed. I strongly urge parents to use IXL whenever possible, review blending sheets and log into superkids online as these are tools to ensure your child's academic progress outside of the classroom. Please know that sight words are not to be sounded out they are memory words students should just be able to know/recognize the words.

Sight Words

Please click here to view lesson plan

Monday 1/23
Math worksheet lesson 20
Write each sight word three times in HW notebook.
*Scholastic book orders are due this week last day to order books is Friday 1/27
Tuesday 1/24
Math worksheet lesson 21
Phonics book pg. 111,112,113
Please sign and return midterm exams
Apologies I did not save HW when I posted it therefore it did not appear on blog.
Wednesday 1/25
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 22
Thursday 1/26
Math worksheet lesson 23
Phonics book pg. 114,115
* No dress down tomorrow Friday -full uniform please no exceptions!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Lesson Plan 1/16-1/20

Midterms this week  in ELA and Math. Blending sheets will be sent home this week as these are an important tool to help students learn how to read. Please be aware in the next coming week I plan on sending decodable books inside a ziplock bag for students to begin reading, it is imperative that you are responsible for returning books back to the classroom so that I can exchange books on a weekly basis.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Tuesday 1/17
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheets lesson 17 and 18 (module 3)
Wednesday 1/18
Write a sentence with each sight word
Phonics book pg.105-106
Thursday 1/19
Math worksheet lesson 19 (module 3)
Phonics book pg. 107, 108, 109, 110
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lesson Plan 1/9-1/13

Dismissal at 12:00 noon on Monday January 9, 2017 after school program available if needed. Midterm review sheet will posted on hw with a link this week Tuesday. 

Sight Words

Please click on link to view lesson plans

Monday 1/9
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 12 and 13 (module 3)
Tuesday 1/10
Phonics book pg. 99-10 (take home booklet, please leave at home and read it with your child)
Math worksheet lesson 14
Wednesday 1/11
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 15

Please click here to view ELA midterm review sheet

Please click here to view Math midterm review sheet

Thurday 1/12
Phonics book pg.103-104
Math worksheet lesson 16 (module 3)
Friday 1/13
Dress down with $1.00 donation to OLQM
Students will be taking a poem from Martin Luther King Jr. to recite some lines from, please be aware that only the highlighted section of the poem is the part your child has been assigned to read.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Lesson Plan 1/3-1/6

Happy New Year 2017, welcome back. We are in full swing students will be taking mid year exams in both Reading and Mathematics, study guides will be posted with a link to click on the blog next week. Please see school blog for exam days and date. Progress reports will be sent home Friday January 6, please check your child's backpack. Beginning next week sight words will be listed as 4 words instead of 3 as we are moving through the year quickly and steadily.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Tuesday 1/3
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 9 (module 3)
Please visit for homework help in math
Wednesday 1/4
Math worksheet lesson 10
Phonics book pg.93-94
Thursday 1/5
Math worksheet lesson 11
Write a sentence with each sight word
Dress down with $1.00 tomorrow Friday