Monday, May 29, 2017

Lesson Plan 5/29-6/2

Wednesday May 31, May procession Feast of the Visitation of Mary at 9:00 am parents are welcomed to join us.  Early Dismissal Friday June 2, at 12:00 noon, after-school program in session. Please continue to log into ixl and i ready and complete lessons in blue on i ready as these are high priority and should be completed by end of week. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Tuesday 5/30
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 20 and 21 please see that all pages are completed, a number of hw is coming back inc. and students will not receive full credit.
Please remember a Rosary for tomorrow Wednesday for the May Procession.
Wednesday 5/31
Phonics book pg. 221-222
Math worksheet lesson 22
Thursday 6/1
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 23 and an extra practice math Fluency sheet on lesson 15
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lesson Plan 5/22-5/26

Monday May 22 early dismissal at 12:00 noon for teacher training, after school program in session.  Wednesday May 24, Lip Sync contest at 5pm entrance fee is $5 if you wish to attend. Thursday May 25 Prayer service in auditorium parents welcome to join us. Friday May 26 Early Dismissal scoring of NYSESLAT, after school program in session. Graduation cap and gown available in office if tuition has been paid in full. MAP testing has been rescheduled to this week Tuesday-Thursday, a friendly reminder to log into IXL and i-ready to practice skills in reading and math to ensure your child's academic progress.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 5/22
Math worksheet lesson 16
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 5/23
Math worksheet lesson 17
Phonics book pg.215-218
Wednesday 5/24
Math worksheet lesson 18
Write a sentence with each sight word
Thursday 5/25
Math worksheet lesson 19
Phonics book pg.219-220
i-ready students have not yet finished lesson in blue that are a priority, please make sure to log in and finish assignments in blue for math and reading.
Dress down tomorrow with $1.00 donation

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lesson Plan 5/15-5/19

MAP Testing Friday, please see school blog for more information. Please remember to continue to log into IXL and i-ready to help your child on their road to academic success, assignments in blue are priority for i-ready. We are running low on clorox wipes I ask that if you can please donate one dispenser, I would really appreciate it. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 5/15
Math worksheet lesson 10 and 11 (module 5)
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 5/16
Phonics book pg.208-209
Math worksheet lesson 12 (module5)
Wednesday 5/17
Math worksheet lesson 13
Write a sentence with each sight word
log into IXL and work on number line and numbers 1-100
Thursday 5/18
Math worksheet lesson 14
Phonics book pg.210-211(Please have your child read the booklet)
Please log into IXL practice Numbers and counting beyond 20, shapes, measurement, addition and subtraction. ELA- word recognition, rhymes, and consonant sounds
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00 donation

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Lesson Plan 5/8-5/12

Friday May 12 Mother's Day Assembly, muffins for mom at 8:30am please join us. Please continue to work with your child every evening to ensure their academic progress. I will be sending decodable books this week please make sure can read through books fluently.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 5/8
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Math worksheet lesson 5 and 6 (module5)
Tuesday 5/9
Math worksheet lesson 7
Phonics book pg.202-204
Wednesday 5/10
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 8
Thursday 5/11
Math worksheet lesson 9
Phonics book pg. 205-206
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00