Sunday, November 26, 2017

Lesson Plan 11/27-12/1

Early dismissal Monday November 27 at 12:noon, after school program available if needed. Please make sure your child is completing assignments on Imperative to review sight words daily to ensure your child's academic progress. Thank you for your continued support in regards to your child's academic progress.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan 

Monday 11/27
Math worksheet lesson 10 (module 2)
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Religion book pg.12-13
Tuesday 11/28
Math worksheet lesson 1 (module 3) measurement
Handwriting book pg.56-57
log into Measurement S.1 and S.2
Wednesday 11/29
Math worksheet lesson 2 (module 3 measurement)
Foundational skills workbook pg. 5 and 6 then pg. 87-88
Thursday 11/30
Math Worksheet lesson 3 (module 3 measurement)
Write a sentence with each sight word above
Please log into I have many students that have not completed some or any of their assignments, this is part of our curriculum it is important that you stay on top of the work.
Please click on this link if you have miss-placed your child's username and password for pearson realize.
Friday 12/1
Decodable books were sent home in a ziplock bag and should be returned no later than Wednesday December 6. Please remember to log into and do assignments under the rooster, complete as you can a little everyday is fine. The class code for front row is ocasiq.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lesson Plan 11/20-11/22

Monday November 20, report cards will be distributed please bring your child's report card if you will meet with me for conferences on the next day. Tuesday November 21, 2017 Early dismissal at 12:00 noon for Parent teacher conferences that will be held from 2:00pm to 8:00pm. Thanksgiving Mass Wednesday November 22, 2017 students to wear dress clothes no jeans or sneakers. I would like to have a Thanksgiving lunch for the children on Wednesday, donations are welcomed. Last day for canned donations Monday Nov.20, thank you to all the parents to contributed to the can drive. School will be closed Thursday and Friday Nov. 23-24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.Happy Thanksgiving to you all, may you enjoy and be thankful this holiday. 

No new sight words this week, please review all sight words given up to this point.

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 11/20
Foundational skills workbook pg.81-84
Math worksheet lesson 6 and 7 (module 2)
Wednesday 11/22
Math worksheet lesson 8 and 9
Foundational skills workbook pg. 5-7 (Booklet:Little Me!) and pg.85-86
Handwriting book pg.52-55
log into  Math section Two Dimensional Shapes V.1-V.7 and Three Dimensional Shapes W.1- W.10
Language Arts section Sight Words K.1-K.3

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Lesson Plan 11/13-11/17

Mickey and Minnie dress up day Friday, November 17 students who wish to participate can dress up otherwise they may wear regular clothes. We are collecting canned foods as a school community, please bring in any canned food we will be accepting them through thanksgiving week. Students should have logged into Frontrow and done an assignment, please remember to check the blog daily for hw assignments. Sight Word assessment this week on all the sight words given up to this point. Math test next week on module 1 numbers from 0 through 10.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 11/13
Math worksheet lesson 2
Write each sight from list above three times in hw notebook
Please be advised a letter will be sent home today about a matter concerning our parish, please sign and return tomorrow promptly. Children in the after school program please make sure to check your child's hw folder regarding the letter.
Tuesday 11/14
Math worksheet lesson 3
Foundational skills workbook pg. 1-4 tear and fold the booklets and have your child read the booklet to you. Then please do pg.79-80
Scholastic book order form if your interested in purchasing please return by Monday Nov.20.
We are still collecting canned food please cooperate as this is a class effort.
Wednesday 11/15
Math worksheet lesson 4 (module 2) Eureka math
Handwriting book pg. 48, 49, 50, 51
Thursday 11/16
Math worksheet lesson 5
Write a sentence with each sight word from list above in hw notebook
Please log into and complete assigned work please due so before Monday Nov.20

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lesson Plan 11/6-11/10

Tuesday November 7, individual picture day, students may wear uniform or dress clothing no jeans or sneakers please. Friday November 10, School Closed in observance of Veterans Day. Please check homework folders I will be sending username and passwords for use with they will be good thru end of December 2017. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 11/6
Write each sight from the list above and review them in hw notebook.
Math worksheet lesson 34 and lesson 35
log into do section  on Numbers counting up to 5 (B.9 and B.10)
Tuesday 11/7
Handwriting book pg. 46-47
Foundational skills book pg.79-80
Math worksheet lesson 36
Wednesday 11/8
Math worksheet lesson 37
Religion workbook pg.10-11
Please visit this link go to student sign in enter your childs name the class code is ocasiq all lowercase. click on the rooster for the assignment, please complete assignment.
Dress Down tomorrow with $1.00 donation.
We will be collecting canned goods for the month of November to be donated to a Nursing Home for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thursday 11/9
Write a sentence with each sight word from the list above.
log into ixl and continue to practice in the section Numbers counting up to 10 (C.1 through C.7) and Language arts Alphabet B1. through B.9