Monday, June 17, 2019

Week of 6/17-6/21

This is the students last week of school. Wednesday students should bring shopping bags to pack up all their belongings to take home. Thursday is the students kindergarten graduation ceremony, students should be here by 9:00 am. It has truly been my pleasure teaching all of your children this school year best of luck in the next grade. Have a great summer.
There will be no new hw assignments or sight words.

As you may have received an Iris red alert about the school blog about a 12th month summer Program, in you child's hw folder will be a letter from Mr.Woods that will need to be filled out and returned tomorrow.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lesson Plan 6/10-6/14

Donuts with Dad on Thursday June 13 at 11:00 am, we ask the father's to be on time as there will be a short musical presentation. Friday June 14, school closed. Graduation cap and gowns will be available Tuesday for pick in the tuition office downstairs.

Sigh words 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Celebrate Jesus and to reinforce that we are members of the Church
ELA- Unit 6 Module B Neighborhoods
Math- Module 6 Ordinal numbers, review of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, numbers through 100  (Eureka math)
Science- Learning about sorting objects based on shape, color and size
Social Studies- Learn about communities

Please click here to view lesson plan 

Monday 6/10
Write each sight word four times in hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 4 (module 6)
Math worksheet find the missing number 1-100
Religion worksheet
Tuesday 6/11
Eureka math lesson 5 hw worksheet (module 6)
Spectrum math book pg.74-75
Handwriting book pg.76-77
Wednesday 6/12
Eureka math lesson 6 hw worksheet (module 6)
Spectrum math book pg.76
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook
Ready Gen workbook pg. 65 "Jim and Kim" pg. 67 "Gus and the Bug" Read aloud both booklets to practice fluency.
Tomorrow Thursday dress clothes for Donuts with dad special performance at 11:00 am please remember to be on time otherwise you might miss the event.
Thursday 6/13
Handwriting book pg. 78-80
Eureka math worksheet lesson 7 hw worksheet (module 6)
Ready Gen workbook pg. 69 " What Pets Do" please have your child read aloud to practice reading fluency

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Lesson Plan 6/3-6/7

Early Dismissal Friday June 7th at 12:00 noon, after school program available if needed. Sight word assessment this week Wednesday please study all sight words given up to this point. 

Sight Words 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Celebrate Jesus Gift of Himself, Celebration of Mass
ELA- Unit 6 Module B Neighborhoods
Math- Module 6 Ordinal numbers, review of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, numbers through 100  (Eureka math)
Science- Learning about states of matter 
Social Studies- Learn about communities

Please click on this link to view lesson plan 

Monday 6/3
Write each sight word four times in hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 23 and lesson 24 hw worksheet
Ready Gen workbook pg. 49 "Jen and Will" and pg.51 "Max" Read aloud
Tuesday 6/4
Eureka math lesson 25 hw worksheet
Ready Gen workbook pg.53 "Fun for Jud" pg.55 "Jan and Gus" Have your child read aloud for you
Spectrum math book pg.70-71
Counting by ten worksheet (extra practice)
Wednesday 6/5
Eureka math worksheet lesson 2 (module 6)
Ready Gen workbook pg. 57 and 59 Read aloud both booklets
Spectrum math book pg.72-73
Regular clothes Thursday with $1.00
Thursday 6/6
Handwriting book pg. 74-75
Skip count by ten worksheet
Eureka math lesson 3 (module 6) hw worksheet
Ready Gen workbook pg.61 Vin and the Bag and pg.63 Spin the Top please have your child read aloud for practice and fluency
Tomorrow Friday Full uniform we have visitors in building