Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lesson Plan 9/30-10/4

Math quiz on Wednesday, students should be able to count objects and write the number and know the number I say and be able to write it (numbers 1-10). Early Dismissal on Friday October 4,  at 12 noon, after school program available if needed. Friday we will have our Mass of St.Francis of Assisi and the blessing of animals, if your child wishes to bring a pet that's a cat or dog they must be bought by an adult to the mass and taken home after mass. Smaller pets like fish or hamsters etc, may be left in the classroom until dismissal time. Last week I posted a link with your child's username and password for pearsonrealize the program for ELA(English Language arts) please complete assignments before the due date Oct. 11

Sight Words

This week we will be learning about the following concepts 
Religion- Learning about God's gift of land
ELA- Life in a Pond (non fiction text)
Math- Numbers 0-10, counting and cardinality, one to one correspondence
Science- The five senses
Social Studies- All about me

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/30
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.1 have your child read to you "I Am!" (tear out the decodable booklet and keep at home to practice reading fluency)
Write each sight word five times in blue HW notebook
Eureka math lesson 15 and 16 homework worksheet
Tuesday 10/1
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.3 "Am I" (tear out booklet have your child read it to you, keep little booklet at home send phonics book back to school)
Eureka math lesson 17 homework worksheet (study for math quiz tomorrow)
Handwriting book pg.36-37
Shorts day tomorrow!! No uniform necessary!
Wednesday 10/2
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg. 5 "Little Me" (tear out the decodable book have your child read it to you, keep at home to practice reading fluency)
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week's list in blue hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 18 homework worksheet
Thursday 10/3
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg. 7 "Am I Little?"(tear out the booklet and have your child read it to you)
Eureka math lesson 19 homework worksheet (math quiz were sent home please sign and send back)
Handwriting book pg. 38-39
Full dress uniform tomorrow Friday for Mass at 9:00 am no exceptions!! Tomorrow Friday 12:00 noon dismissal. After school program in session.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lesson Plan 9/23-9/27

Early dismissal Monday September 23, at 12:00 noon, after school program available if needed with an extra charge on your tuition bill. Gym class will now be three times a week Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please make sure child wears their full gym uniform with sneakers otherwise they will not be able to participate. Pearson Ready Gen passwords will be placed on a link in the hw section this week.

This week we will be learning the following concepts
ELA- Looking closely at the story " A House for Hermit Crab" by Eric Carle
Math- Numbers 0-10 counting, number identification, and one to one correspondence
Religion- God's gift of water
Science- The five senses
Social Studies- All about me

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/23
Handwriting book pg.26-27
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook
Eureka math worksheet lesson 10 and 11 (module1)
Tuesday 9/24
Handwriting book pg.28-31
Eureka math worksheet lesson 12
Wednesday 9/25
Handwriting book pg.32-33
Eureka math worksheet lesson 13 (module 1)
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week's list in blue hw notebook
Thursday 9/26
Please click on this link to view Pearson log in information
Handwriting book pg. 34-35
Eureka math worksheet lesson 14
Extra practice math worksheet
Tomorrow uniform for the entire class UNLESS they have a post it note that says they may wear regular clothes with $1.00 donation. IF YOUR CHILD DID NOT HAVE A POST IT NOTE THEY MAY NOT WEAR REGULAR CLOTHES TOMORROW.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lesson Plan 9/16-9/20

Gym will be Mondays and Wednesdays please remember to have your child in full gym uniform. This week I will be posting a link with your child's username and password for the Pearsonrealize website so that you will be able to reinforce ELA at home. I am still missing forms from parents as well as incomplete emergency cards please see me to check if all your forms have been filled out, it is imperative to have all these forms in order for your child's safety. Next week Monday September 23, will be an early dismissal day at 12:00 noon, please make arrangements.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/16
Write each sight word five times in blue hw notebook
Eureka math worksheet lesson 5 and 6 (module 1)
Tuesday 9/17
Handwriting book pgs.16-19
Eureka math hw worksheet lesson 7 (module 1)
Wednesday 9/18
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week, in blue hw notebook
Handwriting book pg.20-21
Eureka math hw worksheet lesson 8 (module 1)
Thursday 9/19
Eureka math hw worksheet lesson 9 (module 1)
Handwriting book pg.22-25
Dress down tomorrow with $1.00, only for students who did not take a post it note stating uniform for tomorrow 9-20-19, students who do not behave on a weekly basis will not be rewarded to wear regular clothes on Fridays!!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Lesson Plan 9/9-9/13

Gym will be on Mondays students should be in full gym uniform no exceptions. Mass on Thursday September 12 at 9:00am parents are welcomed to join us. If you wish to have your child enrolled in the after school program you have until Tuesday to register your child. Please remember to check the blog daily for hw assignments.

Sight Words 


Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 9/9
Write each sight word from the list above five times in hw notebook
Eureka math worksheet lesson 1
Tuesday 9/10
Write full name 5 times in blue hw notebook (student first and last name)
Eureka math worksheet lesson 2 (module 1)
Handwriting book pg.10-11 (Aa)
Wednesday 9/11
Write a sentence with each sight word (have your child dictate the sentence to you then help them write what they said.)
Eureka math worksheet lesson 3 (module 1)
Handwriting book pg.12-13 (Bb)
Thursday 9/12
Handwriting book pg. 14-15
Eureka math worksheet lesson 4 (module 1)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week of 9/5-9/6

Welcome to Kindergarten,

As many of you did attend the parent meeting, you will know that a lot of our communication will be via the blog. It is imperative for parents or guardians to check the class blog on a daily basis to stay informed of any changes that occur during the week. Physical education (gym) will be held on MONDAYS students should where full gym uniform no exceptions. I will begin giving hw next week starting Monday, please make sure to always check your child's backpack each day. Please remember to sign in and sign out your child each morning for drop-off and at dismissal during pick up. Please make sure your child is on time everyday, as it is crucial for their academic advancement. Thank you all for entrusting me with your child's academics.

Thursday 9/5
No homework, regular clothes tomorrow Friday 9/6 with a $1.00 donation