Saturday, September 27, 2008

Homework Sept.29 thru Oct.3

  • Trace the Letter B
  • Trace Lines
  • Trace squares
  • Color the picture

Lesson Plans Sept.29 thru Oct.3

Aim: How God wants us to be good helpers just as his son Jesus was
Children will do a project on helping hands that’s illustrated in their book
“Discovering God’s world”
Tuesday Aim: Continue learning ways in which we can help others
Students will draw a picture of them helping one of their friends in school
Aim: Students will learn how each of one is special to God
Students will do an activity on pg. 18 “belonging chain”
Aim: God wants us to be kind, friendly, and loving to others
Students will do a practice activity illustrated on pg.18
Aim: Learn that God’s love comes to us through the love of family and friends
Students will draw a picture of a heart as a symbol of love
Aim: Review circles and squares
Activity sheet on shapes
Aim: Continue practicing shapes
Activity sheet tracing squares
Aim: Learning to recognize shapes
Students will have a variety of shapes placed on their table and they are to find circles and square shapes.
Aim: students will need to identify which shapes are circle and square
Students will identify those shapes and then color only the circles and squares
Aim: Students will have the opportunity to show their recognition of shapes
Have the students come up and draw a circle and square
Language Arts
Aim: Students will continue practicing letters A & B
Students will practice writing the letter A in their notebook
Aim: Learn to write letter B without tracing
Students will practice writing the letter B in their notebook
Aim: Students will use their mother goose book
Practice activity in mother goose and practice line tracing
Aim: Students will be introduced to the letter C
Students will practice making the sound of the letter C
Aim: Students will recite their ABC’s as part of daily routine
Read aloud a book illustrating the letter C
Social Studies
Aim: Students learn that families vary in size
Students share who the members of their family are, draw picture
Aim: Read aloud “One Little World”
Aim: Students differentiate between living in apartment building or house
Class discussion students will discuss where they live house or building
Aim: Continue talking about where we live
Draw a picture where we live
Aim: Students will define their meaning of family
Class discussion what is family?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lesson Plans for Sept.22-26

Aim: students will learn that Jesus was a good helper
Students will learn how to be good helpers
Aim: Students will learn about God’s love
Students will discuss who they love and care about
Aim: students will learn about God as their father
Students will discuss how god helps and loves each one of us
Aim: Students will be introduced to family and belongingness as god intended
Students will discuss who the members of their family are
Aim: Students will learn about family love
Read aloud loving families pg.21 “discovering God’s world

Aim: Students will continue learning to sort by shape, size, and color
Students will work in their math books pg. 13-14
Aim: Students will count aloud and practice recognizing numbers, shapes, and colors
Students will sort color and shape pg.16 math workbook
Aim: Students will learn reasoning
Practice activity on pg.17 and practice sorting wooden shapes on their tables
Aim: Students will be introduced to different shapes
Students will color the shape activity on pgs.18-19 in math workbook
Aim: Students learn the way in which shapes move; roll, stack & slide
Students will de practice activity on pg.20 in math workbook

Language Arts
Aim: Students will recite their ABC’s. Introduce the letter of the week “B”
Students will practice looking for objects with the letter B around the classroom
Aim: students will learn the sound of the letter B
Students will practice tracing the letter B
Aim: Read aloud a book about the letter B
Students will color a bear to show it’s an animal whose name begins with the letter B
Aim: Students will lean to identify words with the letter B
Students will have an activity bear with a basket and words with the letter B attached to the basket
Aim: Students will review everything about the letter B
Students will color and trace activity with the letter B
Aim: students will begin to learn about animals that start with the letter B
Read aloud butterfly book
Aim: students will learn about good hygiene
Read aloud the proper techniques on brushing teeth
Sing along song this is the way we brush our teeth
Aim: students continue learning about personal hygiene
Healthy habits washing hands and taking a bath “act it out”
Aim: healthy habits cont’d
Wipe our nose “act it out”
Aim: Review proper Hygiene and healthy habits
Covering our mouths “act it out”

Social Studies
Aim: students learn the names of family members
Discuss activities that family members do together
Aim: Read aloud families are special
Draw a picture of you and one of your family members
Aim: students will relate their families with their home
Class discussion
Aim: Students will discuss who part of their family is
Students will decorate cut outs of themselves and family members
Aim: students learn about rooms in their home and identify what are the things commonly done in that part of the home.
Students will draw their favorite room in their home

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lesson Plan 9/15-9/19

September 15, 2008

Aim: Students will learn that god created the world
Students will discuss the creations of god
Aim: Students will identify top, middle, bottom
Model lesson using student’s hands and desk and hand out an activity sheet for practice
Language Arts
Aim: Students will learn the ABC’s and practice reciting them aloud
Students will begin letter tracing the letter A
Become familiar with the sounds the letter A makes and recognizing capital and lower case A
Aim: Students will identify the five senses
Students will begin by using the sense to see and they are to draw things they are able to see.
Social Studies
Aim: Students will learn about families
Students will identify the members in their immediate family
Students will learn how other families are alike or different

September 16, 2008
Aim: students will learn about God’s love for us
Students will learn god love us no matter who we are, or what we look like
Aim: students will identify under and over
Model lesson with students and hand out an activity sheet for practice
Language Arts
Aim: Review letter A, students will identify the words top and bottom
Students will use mother Goose book activity on pg 16
Aim: Students will continue learning about their five senses
Students will focus on the sense of hearing
Read aloud Aliki
Students will work on listening to instructions on finishing the worksheet about drawing things they can see
Social Studies
Aim: Families continued
Read aloud a book about families

September 17,2008

School Closed

September 18, 2008
Aim: Learn to be thankful for our five senses
Say a prayer thanking god for our five senses
Workbook pg.4 and 7
Aim: Review top, middle, bottom, and identify front and behind
I will make a chart/picture to illustrate how objects or people form front or behind.
Explain the process of forming a line. Show an example of the front of the line and behind the line.
Language Arts
Aim: Discuss the use of each of the five senses
Using the sense of hearing and seeing to able to do an activity on listening to directions
Coloring middle, bottom, top on the hand out
Aim: Use various means to see how the five senses work
Focus on touch and taste, students will feel the difference between a rock and a cotton ball, and they will use their sense of taste during snack to taste popcorn.
Discuss the difference between the rock and cotton ball and their likeness.
Social Studies
Aim: Students will become aware of their community using their senses
I will create a chart/picture/book to show the different things around the community
Discuss with students things they see, smell, hear, taste or touch in their community

September 19, 2008
Aim: Students will gain knowledge of belonging
Activity book read aloud and class activity on pg 9&13. Drawing activity on pg12
Aim: Review lessons from 9/15- 9/20 introduce large and small
I will have a chart drawing out small to large objects, and then students will have the opportunity to identify the small or large object on the chart.
Handout activity page recognizing small from large
Language Arts
Aim: Review the letter A and the sounds it makes, identify lower and uppercase A
Students will have a hand out practicing to trace the letter A and using their sense of sight to look for the letter and A in the activity sheet and circle the letter A.
Aim: Review the five senses; learn what body parts we use when we use the five senses. Using a chart the students will come up and point to the body part and explain what sense it’s used for.
Social Studies
Aim: Students will gather a collection of objects around the classroom when using the five senses
“Show and tell” the objects they were able to collect around the classroom using the five senses