Monday, May 30, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/31-6/2

Early dismissal Thursday June 2 at 12:00 noon after school program in session if needed. Friday June 3, 2016 School Closed as per June monthly calendar. Students should be reading every evening to ensure a smooth transition into the next grade, review of sight words is also imperative for reading.

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Tuesday 5/31
Go math book pg.117-118
Phonics book pg.225-226
Wednesday 6/1
Go math book pg.119-120
Pick four sight words and write a sentence with each word.
Students may wear clothes but must bring $1.00 on Thursday
Thursday 6/2
Go math book pg.121-122
Phonics book 227-228

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lesson Plan 5/23-5/27

School will be closed Friday May 27 and Monday May 30, 2016 for the Memorial Day Holiday. Please ensure that you always read the school blog to keep informed about school activities outside the classroom. Iris alerts are sent out every week if you are not receiving them
please check with the secretary Alba to make sure the school office has your correct information.
Math Quiz on Tuesday on Chapter 7 Numbers 11-19.

Sight Words

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Monday 5/23
Go math book pg. 109-110
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 5/24
Go math book pg. 111-112
Phonics pg. 221-222
Wednesday 5/25
Go math book pg.113-114
Write a sentence with each sight word
Tomorrow Thursday dress down shorts knee high only with $1.00
Thursday 5/26
Go math book pg.115-116
Phonics book pg.223-224
*For Tuesday's May procession children need Rosary beads. Pleaase ensure your child is in full school uniform for this day.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/16-5/20

Early Dismissal Friday May 20, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Progress reports will be sent home on Friday. 

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Monday 5/16
Go math workbook pg. 137-138
Phonics book pg.215-216
Tuesday 5/17
Go math book pg. 139-140
Phonics book pg. 217-218
Wednesday 5/18
Go math book pg.141-142
Pick any three sight words from hw notebook and write a sentence with them.
Thursday 5/19
Go math book pg. 143-144
Phonics book pg.219-220
Clothes tomorrow with $1.00 shorts may be worn but they must be to the knees as per the principal!! Please be advised this is a strict school policy.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/9-5/13

Math quiz on chp.5 addition on Tuesday May 10. Bake sale Friday May 13, 2016 students wishing to support should bring at least $1.00 to buy goods.

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Monday 5/9
Go math book 129-130
Phonics book pg.137-138
We have run low on tissues if you can please donate a box of tissue when possible we don't need a lot just enough to get us through graduation in June, Thanks in advance.
Tuesday 5/10
Go math book pg.131-132
Phonics book pg.211-212
Wednesday 5/11
Go math book pg.133-134
Phonics book pg.97-98
Thursday 5/12
Go math book pg.135-136
Pick 5 random sight words and write a sentence with each one.
NO UNIFORM TOMORROW FRIDAY 5/13 ($1.00 donation)
Bring $ money if they wish to purchase something from the bake sale

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Lesson Plans 5/2-5/6

Finish NYSESLAT TESTING. Begin ITBS standardized testing this week no preparation needed. Star Wars Day Wednesday May 4, 2016 Costume contest, students wishing to participate in contest may dress as their favorite star wars character. Bake sale on Wednesday May 4th students wishing to buy something from the bake sale should bring at least $1.00. Thursday May 5, 2016 School Mass at 9:00am students should be in full school uniform followed by awards and honors after mass. Friday May 6th School Science fair, details on school blog. Friday May 6,2016 Kindergarten picture day with cap and gown students are to be in full school uniform to make sure gown fits properly during picture, envelopes with $ should be bought into office prior to picture day.

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Monday 5/2

Go math book pg.103-104
Phonics book pg.203-204
Tuesday 5/3
Go math book pg.105-106
Phonics book pg.205-206
Wednesday 5/4
Pick any 5 sight words and write a sentence
Phonics book pg. 207-208
Thursday 5/5
Go math book pg.127-128
Phonics book pg. 209-210