Sunday, August 30, 2020

Classroom Schedule 2020-2021

Below is a link to view the classroom schedule for Kindergarten 2020-2021 academic year

Please click here to view the classroom schedule

Friday September 4th I will be meeting with parents via zoom at 10:00 am, details with meeting ID and password will be posted right before the meeting to avoid anyone from accessing the meeting. Please be mindful we only have a 40 min window for me to discuss classroom details and allow time for questions and answers from you the parents/guardians.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Supply List 2020-2021 academic year

Dear Parent/Guardians,
Please find in the list below the supplies your child will need for the kindergarten school year.
Supply List:

In class Students
1 blue notebook from the school supply store, any other notebook will not be accepted
6 pocket folders from the school supply store (any color is fine)
1 draw and write journal notebook available at staples or lakeshore
2 packs of Triconderoga pencils (thin) if child has issues with grip please purchance pencil grips
1 large eraser/ 1 pack of eraser tops
1 child friendly scissor
1 large pencil case to fit crayons, glue stick, pencil, scissor, erasers, etc.
2 packs of crayola crayons
1 small white board, 1 dry erase marker, 1eraser for the white board
1 pack of index cards (100 at least) 
1 glue stick
1 ream of white printing paper
1 box of tissues
1 lysol or clorox dispensing wipes
1  pack of baby wipes(not mandatory)
1 bottle of Purell hand santizer
1 pack of ziplock / hefty 2.5 gallon size bags (jumbo), make sure it has the zipper so your child can easily pack and unpack their belongings daily as all their stuff will be put in this bag by their desk. A change of clothes (underwear, socks, pants, and shirt in case of accident/sick) please place these clothes in a large ziplock back and label it with your child's name.

Virtual Students

1 blue notebook from the school supply store, any other notebook will not be accepted ( for use to write sight words and sight word sentences weekly)
6 pocket folders from the school supply store (any color is fine)
1 draw and write journal notebook available at staples or lakeshore ( for in class assignments)
Pencils/  large eraser in case child needs to erase and the pencil  
1 child friendly scissor (students will have assignments that will require cutting)
1 small white board, 1 dry erase marker, 1eraser for the white board 
1 pack of index cards (100 at least) 
(sight words will be written weekly on the index cards and placed in a ziplock bag to have students review them)
1 glue stick
Through out the school year I will inform you of any supplies that may need to be replenished, your donations of classroom supplies are always accepted and greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. If you have any questions concerning the supplies please feel free to ask. A friendly reminder to label all of your child's belongings and supplies.

Kindergarten Teacher