Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lesson Plan 12/16-12/20

Festival of lessons and carols will be Wednesday December 18, at 8:30 am in the church, students should wear any Christmas clothing with either red, green, or white parents are welcomed to join us for this special event. Raffle for a giant stocking filled with toys will be raffled off this week, each entry is $1.00, child must present at time of raffle if their name is called during reveal. The 8th grade will have a bake sale on Thursday December 19 if you wish to do so please send your child with at least $1.00 for the bake sale. Early dismissal Friday December 20th at 12:00 noon, students way wear regular clothes. Please make sure to send large plastic shopping bags so the children can pack up their classroom belongings to be stored away for the Christmas break.
Students will be using Zearn math as a supplemental to Eureka math, Zearn is an online component, below I will post a link with students usernames and passwords.

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view Zearn log in

This week we will learn the following concepts
ELA- Pearson Ready Gen "The Snowy Day" by Ezra Jack Keats
Math- Eureka- Measurement (weight)
Religion- Christmas (the Birth of Jesus Christ)
Science- Identifying sounds
Social Studies- Learn about the importance of a shelter

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 12/16
Eureka math module 3(measuring weight) lesson 8 and 9 hw worksheets
Religion hw advent worksheet
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.35 "A Cap for Tom" have your child read it aloud
Tuesday 12/17
Eureka math module 3 (measuring weight) lesson 10 hw worksheet
Sight word worksheet "for"
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.37 "I have" decodable booklet please have your child read it aloud
and pg. 93
Tomorrow Wednesday Christmas clothes for lesson and carols at 8:30 am in the church
Wednesday 12/18
Eureka math module 3 9(measuring weight) lesson 11 hw worksheet
Write a sentence with each sight word from list above
Religion worksheet on Christmas
Thursday 12/19
Log in to and begin to do work assigned
Log in to Zearn,com and begin assignments
Tomorrow I will post a link for you to use over the break called success maker as per the archdiocese students will be using to improve math and reading skills
Tomorrow Friday students are to wear Christmas colors
Friday 12/20
All assignments on pearson realize have due dates, on zearn children will work at a steady pace and for success makes it is required that students do 2 hours of math and reading per week

Please click on this link to view Success Maker log in information

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Lesson Plan 12/9-12/13

Monday Mass of the Immaculate Conception at 9:00 am. Friday is ugly sweater day, children may wear an ugly sweater on Friday December 13th. Wednesday ELA test on Unit 2 Ready Get Pearson, Thursday Module 2 Test on Three Dimensional test. I will be collecting $ 4.00 for the Christmas party next week.

Sight Words

This week we will learn about the following concepts
Religion- To appreciate that Jesus is the Light of the World
ELA- Continue to read Come on Rain then introduce "A Snowy Day"
Mathematics- Measurement
Science- Weather and Seasons
Social Studies- Learning the importance of a shelter

Please click on this link to view lesson plan 

Monday 12/9
Eureka math module 3 lesson 3 and 4 Homework worksheets
Handwriting book pg.78, 79, 80
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (study all previous sight words)
Tuesday 12/10
Eureka math module 3 lesson 5 homework worksheet
Ready gen phonics workbook pg.91-92
Sight word worksheet
Wednesday 12/11
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook
Ready Gen phonics book pg. 33 "For Me!"
Eureka math module 3 lesson 6 hw worksheet
Extra practice math worksheet on measurement
Thursday 12/12
Religion worksheets God's seven days of creation
Ready gen phonics workbook pg.35 "Little Rob" Decodable booklet please have your child read it aloud to you to practice reading fluency.
Eureka math module 3 lesson 7 hw worksheet
Extra practice math worksheet on measurement
A reminder tomorrow ugly Christmas sweater * optional*

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lesson Plan 12/2-12/6

Sight word assessments will be handed back this week, please review and sign. Log into Pearson and finish assignments due. Next week Eureka math module 2 exam on 3 dimensional shapes. Unit 2 exam on Ready Gen please log into pearson realize and review books "Farming Then and Now" and The Old Things. This month I will be sending other decodable books in ziplock bags for students to practice reading fluency, these will be sent on Friday's and should be in the following week there after.  

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Liturgical season of Advent
ELA- Ready Gen unit 3 Module A "Come on Rain"
Mathematics- Eureka math module 2- Three Dimensional shapes Module 3- Measurement
Science- Weather and Seasons
Social Studies- Communities

Please click on this link to view lesson plan 

Monday 12/2
Handwriting book pg.70-71
Eureka math module 2 lesson 9
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook
Tuesday 12/3
Eureka math module 2 lesson 10
Handwriting book pg.72-73
3 dimensional shapes worksheets
High frequency words workbook pg.7-8
Wednesday 12/4
Handwriting book pg.74-75
Eureka math module 3 lesson 1
Write a sentence with each sight word from above (review all sight words)
Thursday 12/5
Handwriting book pg. 76-77
Ready Gen phonics pg. 89-90
Eureka math module 3 lesson 2
Count and write the number worksheet
Full Dress Uniform Tomorrow Friday