Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week of 9/14-9/18

Please make sure you are signing in and out your child every morning at drop off and every afternoon for pick up. Mass Tuesday September 15, 2015 at 9:00 am students are to be in full uniform, parents are invited to join us. Early Dismissal Friday September 18, 2015 at 12:00 noon. Vocabulary should be reviewed at home every evening as well as sight words to ensure your child succeeds academically in kindergarten. Vocabulary also gives a glimpse of what we will be working on in class ,special attention should be paid since lesson plans will not be available for parents/guardians to see. Gym on Wednesday, gym uniform with sneakers please.

Sight Words

creation- the act of making or producing something that did not exist before; the act of making the world
jam- in trouble; something obscuring passage way
sandbox- a low box filled with sand that children can play in
construct- to build something
noon- the middle of the day; 12:00pm
straw- the dried stems or stalks of grasslike plants
tortilla- a round flat bread originally made in Mexico
twins- two brothers, two sisters, or a brother and a sister who are born on the same day
one- a single quantitiy
two- one greater than one; one less than three
match- one to one correspondence
three- one greater than two; one less than four
four- one greater than three; one less than five
five- one greater than four; one less than six
soil- dirt
sand-tiny grains of broken rock
rocks-pieces of stone
earth- planet on which we live
mountain- land that is higher than a hill
valley- low land between mountains
plain- flat land that stretches out in all directions
canyon- deep valley in rock carved by wind or water
Social Studies
biography- the story of a real person's life written by someone other than that person
autobiography- a story written about the person who is writing the story

Monday 9/14
Go math workbook pg.3-4
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook ( a sample will be shown in notebook)
Tuesday 9/15
Go math workbook pg.5-6
Wednesday 9/16
Go math book pg. 7-8 (libro de matematicas hacer las siguiente paginas 7 y 8)
Write a sentence with each of the sight words. (Una oracion con cada palabra de vista, favor de mirar para la parte donde dice Sight Words, para formar la oraciones con cada palabra en la mascota de tarea) 
Thursday/Jueves 9/17
Phonics book pg. 25-26 (libro de phonics paginas 25 y 26 Pagina 25 hacer carita de sonrisa si el objecto en la caja empieza con el sonido de la letra Ff, pagina 26 escribir Ff en la linea si el objeto empieza con el sonido Ff)
Go math book pg. 9-10 (libro de matematicas paginas 9 y 10)

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