Sunday, April 23, 2017

Lesson Plan 4/24-4/28

We are back into full swing this week, I hope you all had a restful and joyful break. Classroom schedules have changed but our Gym day will still be on Wednesday so students should be in full gym uniform with sneakers. I hope all the students were able to review sight words given up to this point as it is imperative for your child's progress academically. If you were unable to see me during parent- teacher conferences and would like to speak to me about your child's report card please schedule an appointment with Alba and notify me to confirm the date and time, it will be greatly appreciated. 

Sight Words

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 4/24
Math worksheet lesson 37
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 4/25
Math worksheet lesson 38
Phonics book pg. 189-190
Wednesday 4/26
Write a sentence with each sight word
Math worksheet lesson 39
Thursday 4/27
Phonics book pg.191-194
Math worksheet lesson 40 &41
Dress down tomorrow Friday with $1.00

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