Sunday, October 6, 2019

Lesson Plan 10/7-10/11

Map testing on Thursday reading and Friday on math for students in kindergarten, this exam will be taken on computers and results will be given on a later date. Next week there will be a sight word test on all the sight words given up to this point. It is imperative to make sure you are also studying at home. I have set up some assignments on students should have completed assignments by the due date.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God's gift of animals
ELA- A bed for the Winter (pearson realize)
Math- Counting and Cardinality numbers 0-10, Identifying numbers 0-10, writing numbers 0-10, one to one correspondence
Science- Skills we use in science (measure, observe, compare, sort)
Social Studies- Learning about families

Please click on this link to view lesson plan

Monday 10/7
Write each sight word five times in blue hw notebook
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.73-74 Mm
Eureka Math lesson 20 hw worksheet
Tuesday 10/8
Math worksheet writing numbers 1-20
Beginning and ending sound phonics worksheet
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.9 "Little Mouse" (tear out the decodable booklet and have your child read it to you)
Wednesday 10/9
Yesterday's homework if it was not in the folder it is ok due to the fact that I was not here and I was in a grade level meeting as per the archdiocese. Furthermore class picture day will be rescheduled for next week. Please check your child's folder for the picture envelope.
Eureka math lesson 21 homework worksheet
Ready Gen workbook pg.11 (Tam!, only the decodable books are to be torn out of this book no other pages. Other pages assigned are to be done and left in the book to be checked.
Write a sentence with each sight word from above in blue hw notebook.
Thursday 10/10
Handwriting book pg.40-41
Eureka math lesson 22 homework worksheet
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg. 13
Tomorrow regular clothes with $1.00 donation

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