Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lesson Plan 3/23-3/27

Please go to google classroom for the daily assignments. Assignments on google classroom must be turned in daily as this will be your child's attendance and participation for completing their work. If work is not submitted daily then it will not count for their attendance. Please read the school blog for further information and instructions on school policy and changes due to the COVID-19. Please remember if you have any questions or concerns use the google classroom to send a message, its imperative that you read the blog a number of parents had no clue of google classroom username and passwords that were sent home the week of Thursday March 12.

Sight words

Monday 3/23
Write each sight word five times in blue hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 22 hw worksheet (module 4 math workbook)
Tuesday 3/24
Eureka math lesson 23 hw worksheet (module 4 math workbook)
Review all the sight words given up to this point
Wednesday 3/25
Eureka math lesson 24 hw worksheet (module 4 math workbook)
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week
Thursday 3/26
Eureka math lesson 25 hw worksheet (module 4 math workbook)
Log into success maker do 20 min of ELA
Friday 3/27
Read aloud a book to practice reading fluency
(decodable books that you used to pull out from the ready gen phonics workbook)

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