Sunday, December 12, 2021

Lesson Plan 12/13-12/17

Math text exams and sight words assessments will be in hw folders. Classroom pack up, please send your child with a large shopping bag this week to pack up their books and supplies for the winter break. Thursday is an ugly sweater contest if you wish your child to participate. Friday we will have lessons and carols in the church at 9:00am parents are invited to join us but must sit separately from the class. We will have a Christmas party on Friday, I ask that you please send $5.00  if you haven't already done so to cover the costs of pizza, juice, water, and chips. Christmas break is December 20th through December 31st, school resumes January 3,2022. Have a safe, wonderful, and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. 

Sight words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Christmas
ELA-  Unit 3 Module A "Come on Rain"
Math- Module 3: Measurement: length, long, short
Science- Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- All about Families

Please practice the Christmas song at home, we will be singing this song at church on Friday for lessons and carols

Monday 12/13
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (come, she, with)
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.89-90 (letters Bb, Nn please read directions carefully)
Eureka math workbook pg.201 (homework help on pg.199)
Tuesday 12/14
Eureka math workbook pg. 205 (string in ziplock bag inside of hw folder)
Phonics worksheet on letter Bb (two sided)
Phonics worksheet on Nn (two sided)
Wednesday 12/15
Eureka math workbook pg.209
Spectrum Math worksheet on length shorter/longer (two sided)
Phonics worksheet on the letter Bb (two sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (come, she, with)
Ugly Christmas sweater day tomorrow Thursday
Thursday 12/16
Spectrum worksheet on measuring taller/shorter (two sided)
Ready Gen phonics book pg.91-92
Tomorrow Friday Christmas outfit red or green etc., if you haven't sent a bog shopping bag to pack up the students things. Lessons and Carols in the church have been changed to around 11:00 am.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lesson Plan 12/6-12/10

Mass on Wednesday December 8th parents are welcomed to join us at 9:00am. Sight word test will be completed this week and an index card with how your child did will be sent in their homework folder.  Thursday math test on 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. I will be collecting $5.00 for the Christmas Party next week Friday Dec.17th. We will have lessons and carols next week Friday and I would like the students to wear red, green, or a Christmas outfit in spirit of the lessons and carols we will participate in. Next month January students will have 4 sight words per week instead of 3 therefore it is imperative to practice sight words daily at home every evening to ensure your child knows the minimum 100 sight words by the end of kindergarten. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Christmas
ELA-  Finish Unit 2 module B compare and contrast "The Old Things" "Farming Then and Now" Introduce Unit 3 Module A "Come on Rain"
Math- Finish module 2 : Review 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, Introduce Module 3: Measurement 
Science-  Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 12/6
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (an, by, what)
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.17-18 Pat the Cat (have your child read it aloud to you, to build reading fluency)
Eureka math workbook pg.195
Tuesday 12/7
Spectrum math worksheet on tracing and drawing shapes/ composing shapes (two-sided)
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.137-138 (I, am) 
Our Catholic Faith handwriting book pg.58-59 letter Vv
Wednesday 12/8
Spectrum math worksheet on positional words (above, below, next to (two-sided)
Phonics worksheet on consonant Nn (please read directions carefully)(two sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (an, by, what) 
Study for math test tomorrow on two and three dimensional shapes
Log into your goggle account and complete assignments due
Thursday 12/9
Ready Gen phonics book pg.139-140 (the, little)
Phonics worksheet on the letter Nn

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lesson Plan 11/29-12/3

Sight word assessment this week Wednesday on all sight words previously given. Friday December 3rd early dismissal at 12:00 noon. 

Sight words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Advent
ELA-  Finish Unit 2 module B "Farming Then and Now" then compare and contrast two texts
Math- Introduce 3 dimensional shapes
Science-  Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 11/29
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (study all sight words)
Spectrum math worksheet on 2 dimensional shapes (double sided)
Eureka math workbook pg.177
Ready Gen phonics book pg.87-88
Tuesday 11/30
Spectrum math worksheet on two dimensional shapes
Phonics worksheet on letter Ii
Eureka math workbook pg.181 and 183
Log into google classroom and complete any assignments due
Wednesday 12/1
Sight word worksheet (am, we)
Spectrum math worksheet on three dimensional shapes
Write a sentence with each sight in hw notebook
Eureka math workbook pg.187
Thursday 12/2
Spectrum math worksheet on two dimensional shapes/ counting
Eureka math workbook pg.191 (please look at the previous page in case you need help to see at an example, sometimes homework is done incorrectly because you are not looking at the homework helper page)
Phonics worksheet on the short vowel i (double sided, please read directions carefully)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Lesson Plan 11/22-11/24

School Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday November 24th at 9:00am parents are welcomed to join us. School will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. No new sight words this week but please make sure you review all the sight words given up to this point. Sight word assessment next week. We are still collecting canned food through Wednesday if you haven't already done so you may still donate some canned food for the less fortunate. 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God's gift of our Senses
ELA-  Continue Unit 2 module B "Farming Then and Now"
Math- Introduce 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes
Science-  Animals (similarities, differences) 
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 11/22
Eureka math workbook pg.169
Spectrum math worksheet triangles and circles(double sided)
Phonics worksheet letter Cc
Our catholic handwriting book pg.56-57 Uu
Tuesday 11/23
Eureka math workbook pg.173
Ready Gen phonics book pg.85-86 (read directions carefully)
Spectrum math worksheet on rectangles and squares
Log into google classroom and complete assigned reading (Farming Then and Now)
Wednesday 11/24
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.15-16 Sock Sack (Have your child read it aloud to you, this is part of fluency practice)
Spectrum math worksheet hexagons and sorting shapes (double sided)
Review all sight word in hw notebook (sight word assessment next week)

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Lesson Plan 11/15-11/19

Friday November 12th early dismissal at 12:00 noon for Parent Teacher conferences via zoom, No after school program. The conferences are on a first come basis, an email has been sent to your child's google account, be sure to go to the google drive I have shared the sign up sheet with the time slots available. I am unable to sign parents up, because going back and fourth between emails makes it difficult to keep track, so please make sure to log in and sign up for a time to meet. Information regarding the zoom meeting will be sent in an email to prevent anyone from hacking into our meeting. Furthermore Thursday is Mickey and Minnie day students may dress up with the characters or wear something with a Mickey or Minnie Mouse logo, it is not mandatory. Reading test this week Wednesday. Students should be able to read something similar to the booklets they tear out of their Ready Gen phonics book for HW. We are still collecting canned goods, if you are able to do so please make a small donation to the canned food drive. 

Sight words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Finish God Made All People, God's gift of our Senses
ELA-  Finish "The Little House" and "Four Seasons Make a Year" introduce Unit 2 module B "Farming Then and Now"
Math- Introduce 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes
Science-  Real or Pretend/ Real or Man-Made
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 11/15
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (if, go, we)
Spectrum math worksheet Number 0-10 (double sided)
Phonics worksheet letter Pp (double sided, please read the directions carefully)
Tuesday 11/16
Eureka math workbook pg.157
Phonics worksheet with the letter Pp (double sided)
Math worksheet (practice counting and writing the number, count and circle the correct number (double sided)
Sight word worksheet (like, pretty)
Wednesday 11/17
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.83-84
Eureka math workbook pg. 161
Write a sentence with each sight word (if, go, we)
Log into google classroom finish assignments due
Tomorrow Mickey and Minnie Day dress up as Mickey or Minnie or  Disney character or wear a logo with Mickey or Minnie
Thursday 11/18
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.13-14 I Have! (Have your child read the booklet aloud to you)
Eureka math workbook pg.165
Our Catholic Handwriting book pg. 54-55 Letter Tt
Log into google classroom complete work due
Tomorrow Friday early dismissal at 12:00 noon for parent teacher conferences, no afterschool program!! Parent teacher conference via zoom from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Information for the zoom meeting has been sent through google classroom.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lesson Plan 11/8-11/12

School will be closed Thursday November 11th for Veteran's day and Friday November 12th for Manhattan Conference day for teachers. I have kindly asked to please donate canned food to the canned food drive the school is collecting and no cans were donated last week by the kindergarten class, it is not mandatory but please try to donate any canned food you can during the next three weeks to help our school collect canned food for those less fortunate. Reading test next week, Tuesday students should be reading the small booklets from the ready gen phonics book they have for homework, as this will help them build fluency skills and practice their sight words. End of Module 1 math test next week Thursday. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Introduce God Made All People
ELA-  Introduce Unit 2 module A Compare and Contrast "The Little House" and "Four Seasons Make A Year"
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science: Living and Non living things 
Social Studies- Learning All about Families

Monday 11/8
Write each sight word five times (and, me, it) in hw notebook
Eureka math workbook pg.135 (cut and place them in a ziplock bag return to school)
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.11-12 (Have your child read aloud the booklet Tam!)
Tuesday 11/9
Eureka math workbook pg.139&143 (lesson 34 and 35 module1)
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.81-82 (letter Pp, read the directions carefully)
Sight word worksheet (little, can) double sided
Wednesday 11/10
Eureka math workbook pg.147 &151-152
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (review all sight words given up to this point)
Phonics worksheet letter Pp (double sided)

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Lesson Plan 11/1-11/5/20

Monday November 1st, Mass at 9:00am, parents are welcomed to join us but must sit towards the back of the church due to COVID guidelines. November is also a month to think about others and give back to those who need it the most, OLQM will be collecting canned food for the month of November, please donate what you can. The first quarter for report cards ends Friday Nov. 5th and report card meetings will be held later this month via zoom. It is imperative to check the blog daily for assignments and homework many students have yet to submit work via google classroom, please be advised this is to prepare your child for the upper grades the more they learn to use it now the easier it will be as they move forward.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Introduce Ordinary time
ELA-  Introduce Unit 2 module A "Four Seasons Make A Year"
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science: Living and Non living things 
Social Studies- Learning All about Us ; continued

Monday 11/1
Ready Gen phonics book pg.79-80
Eureka Math workbook pg.119 &123-124
Write each sight word 5 times in hw notebook
Log into google classroom and complete assignments due
Tuesday 11/2
Phonics worksheet on the letter Ss (double sided)
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.7-8 Am I Little? (tear out the booklet and have your child read it aloud to you)
Eureka math workbook pg.127
Log into google classroom and complete assignments due
Wednesday 11/3
Eureka math workbook pg.131
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week (get, pretty, white)
My catholic handwriting book pg.52-53

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Lesson Plan 10/25-10/29

School Picture day is Thursday October 28th students may wear dress clothes but no jeans. Friday October 29th we will have a Halloween party, if you have not done so already please remember that I am collecting $5.00 dollars to buy pizza, juice, chips and water for the students. The students may wear a costume, no contest. You may send a snack for your child if you wish. Math tests will be returned on Monday in your child's homework folder grades are 1-4 as per OLQM grading policy, refer to your parent handbook for grading policy. Scholastic orders will be sent out this week if you are still interested in ordering books. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion-  Introduce :We learn about God all year long
ELA-  Introduce unit 2 module A The Little House
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science: Living and Non living things 
Social Studies- Learning All about Us ; continued

Please click on this link view lesson plan 

Monday 10/25
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.75-76 (Letter Tt) please read the directions carefully before proceeding!!
Eureka math workbook pg.103 (lesson 25, module 1)
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (at, have, see) review the new sight words
Tuesday 10/26
Our Catholic Handwriting book pg.46-47
Eureka math book pg.107
Ready Gen phonics book pg.77-78 Letter Aa (please read the directions carefully!!)
Review sight words (at, have, see)
Wednesday 10/27
Write a sentence with each sight word (at, have, see) in hw notebook
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.5-6 Little Me! (please tear out the booklet and have your child practice reading it aloud to you)
Eureka math workbook pg.111
Picture day tomorrow Thursday Oct.28th you have the option of school uniform or dress up clothing for the picture, pictures envelopes with money are needed if you wish to receive an individual or class picture.
Thursday 10/28
Eureka math workbook pg.115 ( use an addition sentence to tell your story in the book ___ + ___ = )
Our Catholic Handwriting book pg.50-51 (letter Rr)
Review all sight words given up to this point
Please log into google classroom and complete work due!!
Tomorrow is our Halloween party, students are allowed to wear a costume.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Lesson Plan 10/18/21-10/22/21

School Closed Wednesday October 20th, teachers will be using data collected from the MAP test to strategize where the learning can be adjusted. Math test this week Thursday on numbers 1-10 and recognizing the name for the numbers 1-10. I will be collecting $5.00 for a Halloween party next week Friday. 

Sight words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Finish God's gift of the land, Discuss God's gift of animals 
ELA-  Continue "A Bed for the Winter" then compare and contrast A bed for the winter and Life in a 
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science Tools; How do we use science tools: discuss some tools scientist use; hand lens, thermometer, measuring cup, balance, ruler.  Introduce: Living and Non living things 
Social Studies- Learning All about Us ; continued

Monday 10/18
Eureka math workbook pg.91-92
Write each sight word from above five times in homework notebook (review the new sight words)
Log into google classroom and complete work due 
Tuesday 10/19
Eureka math workbook pg.95
Phonics worksheets with the letter Mm (double sided) please make sure to read directions carefully!
Complete all assignments on google classroom 
School Closed tomorrow Wednesday!!
Thursday 10/21
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week in hw notebook (review all sight words)
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.3-4 Am I? (pull out the booklet, have your child practice reading it aloud to you as this is practice with the sight words and helps with fluency)
Eureka math workbook pg.99 (lesson 24, module 1)
Gym class tomorrow, please wear your gym uniform with sneakers!!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Lesson Plan 10/11-10/15/21

Sight word test this week Wednesday thru Friday as the students are tested individually. Students should be able to recognize the word by being able to read it off an index card. No new sight words this week, please make sure you are reviewing sight words at home every evening.

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God made the whole world: Land (desert, mountains, forest)
ELA-  Finish discussing Life in a Pond (module b, unit 1) Introduce " A Bed for the Winter"
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science Tools; How do we use science tools: discuss some tools scientist use; hand lens, thermometer, measuring cup, balance, ruler 
Social Studies- Learning All about Us ; continued

Tuesday 10/12
Eureka math workbook pg.75 and 79
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg42-43 Letter Nn
Review all sight words in blue notebook for assessment 
* Students in title 1 Catapult learning afterschool should have received an emergency card to fill out and send back to school as they are separate from the emergency cards for school. If your child is in this program please fill out the emergency card and send it back ASAP.
Wednesday 10/13
Ready Gen phonics book pg.1-4 "I Am"  (tear out the booklet and have your child practice reading the booklet to you) 
Eureka math workbook pg.83-84
Continue to review all sight words
Thursday 10/14
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.73-74 Mm (please read the directions carefully)
Eureka math workbook pg.87-88
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg. 44-45 Oo
Log into goggle classroom and complete assigned work
* All students had their sight word assessment done, please review the hw folder for an index card that tells how many sight words your child got correct out of the 9 sight words total. Any questions please email me to discuss this further.
On another note the booklets that were supposed to be pulled out are to be returned to school for a stamp indicating that I saw the booklet because these booklets are designed to help your child be reading fluently by the end of the kindergarten school year. Booklets should not be cut, they are to be torn out of the book folded and returned to school the next day.
Gym uniform tomorrow Friday! 
Picture envelopes were sent home yesterday and today, if you did not recieve please make sure to check your child's backpack or hw folder.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Lesson Plan 10/4/21-10/8/21

Monday October 4th Mass at 9:00am, parents are welcomed to join us but have to sit towards the back of the church. Tuesday October 5th students will be taking the NWEA MAP test in mathematics, information regarding this computer exam were on the school's blog. School will be closed Monday October 11th for Columbus holiday. Sight word test next week.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God made the whole world (sky, water, plants, people)
ELA-  Compare and Contrast" A House for Hermit Crab and Where is Home Little Pip, Introduce Life in a Pond (module b, unit 1)
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science Skills; How do we use science skills: through observation, measuring, comparing, sorting
Social Studies- Learning about self; continued

Monday 10/4
Write each sight word (me, to, you) five times in hw notebook
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg.34-35
Eureka math workbook pg.56 and pg.59
Tuesday 10/5
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg.36-37
Eureka math workbook pg.63
Review sight words (me, to, you)
Log into google classroom and complete assignments due
Wednesday 10/6
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg.38-39
Eureka math workbook pg.67-68
Write a sentence with each sight word in hw notebook (me, to, you)
Finish google assignments by due date 
Thursday 10/7
Our catholic faith handwriting book pg.40-41 (letter Ll)
Eureka math workbook pg.71
Review all sight words given up to this point as students will have a sight word test next week.
(I, am, can, is, little, the, me to, you)
Please complete all google assignments and turn in by the due date

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Week of Sept.27 thru Oct.1

Friday students should be in gym uniform and sneakers, if they do not have the gym uniform they should wear something accordingly like navy blue seats and a navy blue t-shirt. Our blog was not working this week therefore please make sure that homework is completed for this week.

Tuesday 9/28
Eureka math lesson 11 pg.47 (module 1)
Our Catholic faith handwriting book pg.28-29 (letter Hh)
Review sight words from this week's list
Wednesday 9/29 
Our Catholic faith handwriting book pg.30-31
Eureka math workbook pg.51 (lesson 12, module 1)
Write a sentence with each sight word in blue hw notebook (is, little, the)
Thursday 9/30
Our Catholic faith handwriting book pg.32-33(letter Jj)
Eureka math workbook pg.55 (lesson 13, module 1)
Review all sight words in blue hw notebook