Sunday, October 24, 2021

Lesson Plan 10/25-10/29

School Picture day is Thursday October 28th students may wear dress clothes but no jeans. Friday October 29th we will have a Halloween party, if you have not done so already please remember that I am collecting $5.00 dollars to buy pizza, juice, chips and water for the students. The students may wear a costume, no contest. You may send a snack for your child if you wish. Math tests will be returned on Monday in your child's homework folder grades are 1-4 as per OLQM grading policy, refer to your parent handbook for grading policy. Scholastic orders will be sent out this week if you are still interested in ordering books. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion-  Introduce :We learn about God all year long
ELA-  Introduce unit 2 module A The Little House
Math- Numbers 0-10 (counting forward, backward, identifying quantities, writing the numbers)
Science-  Science: Living and Non living things 
Social Studies- Learning All about Us ; continued

Please click on this link view lesson plan 

Monday 10/25
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.75-76 (Letter Tt) please read the directions carefully before proceeding!!
Eureka math workbook pg.103 (lesson 25, module 1)
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (at, have, see) review the new sight words
Tuesday 10/26
Our Catholic Handwriting book pg.46-47
Eureka math book pg.107
Ready Gen phonics book pg.77-78 Letter Aa (please read the directions carefully!!)
Review sight words (at, have, see)
Wednesday 10/27
Write a sentence with each sight word (at, have, see) in hw notebook
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.5-6 Little Me! (please tear out the booklet and have your child practice reading it aloud to you)
Eureka math workbook pg.111
Picture day tomorrow Thursday Oct.28th you have the option of school uniform or dress up clothing for the picture, pictures envelopes with money are needed if you wish to receive an individual or class picture.
Thursday 10/28
Eureka math workbook pg.115 ( use an addition sentence to tell your story in the book ___ + ___ = )
Our Catholic Handwriting book pg.50-51 (letter Rr)
Review all sight words given up to this point
Please log into google classroom and complete work due!!
Tomorrow is our Halloween party, students are allowed to wear a costume.

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