Sunday, May 15, 2022

Lesson Plan 5/16-5/20

Wednesday we will have a special gym schedule so students are to be in full gym uniform and sneakers for Wednesday. Friday Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon, Mass at 10:00 am students may wear dress up clothes or school uniform absolutely no JEANS!! Math tests will be sent home to be reviewed and signed. Sight word assessment begins Tuesday.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Review Key ideas from We Believe Text God made the world
ELA Unit 6 Module A On the Town: A Community Adventure
Math- Find the number that makes 10 for numbers 1-9 and record each with an addition sentence 
Science- Habitats

Monday 5/16
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.151-152
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.145-146
Tuesday 5/17
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.33-34 Little Rob  
(your child should be reading these booklets independently)
Phonics worksheet on vowel /a/ (two sided)
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.149-150
Tomorrow Wednesday Gym uniform and sneakers please special schedule
Wednesday 5/18
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.125-126 (read directions carefully please!!)
Phonics worksheet on vowel /a/ (double sided)
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.153-154
Thursday 5/19
Phonics worksheet on vowel /a/ (double sided)
Write a sentence with each sight word from list above 
Eureka math workbook module 4 pg.157, 161, 162

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