Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lesson Plans 10/31-11/4

Halloween parade tomorrow at 8:30am parents may accompany the students during the parade but must leave right after. Sight word review is a must every evening at home. Students are strongly encouraged to be reading by the end of kindergarten in order to make a smooth transition into first grade. It is important to be aware of assignments on google and complete them so that your child gets used to working on a computer. Tuesday November 1,2022 Mass at 10:00 All Saints Day, parents are welcomed to join us but must sit in towards the back of the church.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- We Celebrate Ordinary Time in the Church 
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 2 Module A "The Little House" 
Math-  Numbers 0-10, identifying the numbers, counting forwards and backwards, learn the number names one through ten
Social Studies- All about me/ Families
Science- Living things and what they need (animals, plants, people)

Tuesday 11/1
Eureka math workbook pg.127
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook (get, pretty, white)
Log into google and review the book "The Little House"
Safe environment lesson plan sheet should be signed and returned to school tomorrow Wednesday
Tuesday 11/2
Eureka math workbook pg.131
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.7-8 Am I Little?
Wednesday 11/3
Eureka math workbook pg.123-124
Write a sentence with each sight word (get, pretty, white)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Lesson Plan 10/24-10/28

Class picture day Monday October 24th, all students should be in full school uniform, boys with ties and girls with jumper, school sweater is optional but no other sweaters will be allowed for the class picture, students should be wearing black shoes. Tuesday October 25th students will take ELA exam, what this means is they should be able to recognize the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds as we have focused on this since the beginning of school, be able to recognize the sight words by sight, and be able to comprehend questions from the books we have read thus far as part of the Ready Gen program. I am still collecting $5.00 for the Halloween party or any donations of food or drink for the party. Students may wear their costume on Monday October 31st.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- We praise God all year long
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 2 Module A "The Little House" 
Math-  Numbers 0-10, identifying the numbers, counting forwards and backwards, learn the number names one through ten
Social Studies- All about me/ Families
Science- Living things and what they need (animals, plants, people)

Monday 10/24
Ready Gen Phonics workbookpg.75-76
Eureka math workbook pg.107
Write each sight word five times in green hw notebook (at, have, see) Review all sight words 
Tuesday 10/25
Eureka math workbook pg.111
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.7-8 Little Me! (Have your child read the booklet aloud to you)
Log into google classroom and complete assignments due
Wednesday 10/26
Eureka math workbook pg.115
Math worksheet numbers and counting
Write a sentence with each sight word (at, have, see)
Phonics worksheet on letter Tt ( double sided)
Thursday 10/27
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.77-78( please read the directions carefully)
Eureka math workbook pg.119 
Log into google classroom and complete assignments due if you haven't already done so, many students have not completed the assignments as of yet!!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Lesson Plan 10/17-10/20

Tuesday October 18th students will have a math test, students should be able to identify same, similar, different. Count and identify numbers 0-10. Next week they will have an ELA test on comprehension and being able to identify sight words given thus far. School will be closed on Thursday October 19th for a religion conference and Friday October 20th for Data Day. I will be collecting $5.00 for the Halloween party if parents want to contribute or donate something for the party please let me know in advance. No new sight words this week, students are to review all the sight words given up to this point. 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God gives us the gift of animals
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 1 Module B "A Bed for the Winter"
Math- Numbers 0-10, find the missing number, counting forwards and backwards 0-10
Social Studies- All about me
Science- Living things and what they need

Monday 10/17
NYC Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.3-4 (have your child read the booklet Am I?)
Eureka Math workbook pg.95&99
Review all sight words in green notebook 
Math Test tomorrow 
Tuesday 10/18
NYC Ready Gen Phonics book pg.137-138
Math worksheet on numbers (double sided)
Log into google and complete assignments due
Math tests will be returned tomorrow Wednesday
Thursday 10/19
Eureka math workbook pg.103
Math worksheet on writing the missing number 0-20
Phonics worksheet on the letter Mm (double sided)
Practice all sight words in green notebook (there will be a test next week, students should just be able to recognize them by sight)
Math tests were sent in folder please review, sign and return grades are 1-4 
(4=Excellent, 3= Good, 2=Fair meaning approaching the level or standard for the unit, 1= unsatisfactory/ below standards)

Monday, October 10, 2022

Lesson Plan 10/10-10/14

Tuesday October 11th Mass at 10:00 am, parents are welcomed to join us. Friday October 14th early dismissal at 12:00 noon, after school program available if needed. A gentle reminder that students should be familiar with google classroom and turn in assignments when due. I sent all the parents an invitation to google classroom, this way you are able to keep up with assignments. NWEA MAP test will be sent home this Friday.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God gives us the gift of Land
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 1 Module B Finish "Life in a Pond", Introduce "A Bed for the Winter"
Math- Numbers 0-10, find the missing number, counting forwards and backwards 0-10
Social Studies- All about me
Science- Living things and what they need

Tuesday 10/11
NYC Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.1 I Am! (tear out the booklet and have your child read it to you)
Eureka math workbook pg.79, 83, 84
Write each sight word five times in hw notebook (a, in, like)
Wednesday 10/12
NYC Ready Gen Phonics book pg.73-74 Mm (please read the directions carefully)
Eureka math workbook pg.87-88
Log into google and complete test "Where is home Little Pip?"
If you wish to order scholastic please enter class code RWV88 online or in person with cash or money order only
Thursday 10/13
Eureka math workbook pg.91-92
Write a sentence with each sight word from above (a, in, like) that means 3 sentences, one sentence per word!
Complete google assignments if you haven't done so already

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Lesson Plan 10/3-10/7

Picture day is Wednesday October 5th, please make sure your envelope with payment is received on of before the Oct.5. Students may wear dress up clothing but no jeans! Fridays is our scheduled Gym day unless otherwise indicated, students must wear gym uniform and sneakers. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God gives us the gift of Water
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 1 Module B Life in a Pond
Math- Numbers 5 and beyond
Social Studies- All about me
Science- Living things and what they need

Monday 10/3
Eureka math workbook pg.63,67,68
Write each sight word five times in green hw notebook (me, to, you) Please review all sight words!
Log into google and complete assignment if your child hasn't already completed the assignment
Tuesday 10/4
Eureka math workbook pg.71
Beginning sounds worksheet (cut and glue)
Wednesday 10/5
Eureka math workbook pg.75
Write a sentence with each sight word in green hw notebook (me, to, you)
Thursday 10/6
Phonics worksheet 
Green notebook to review all the sight words given up to this point