Sunday, October 16, 2022

Lesson Plan 10/17-10/20

Tuesday October 18th students will have a math test, students should be able to identify same, similar, different. Count and identify numbers 0-10. Next week they will have an ELA test on comprehension and being able to identify sight words given thus far. School will be closed on Thursday October 19th for a religion conference and Friday October 20th for Data Day. I will be collecting $5.00 for the Halloween party if parents want to contribute or donate something for the party please let me know in advance. No new sight words this week, students are to review all the sight words given up to this point. 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- God gives us the gift of animals
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 1 Module B "A Bed for the Winter"
Math- Numbers 0-10, find the missing number, counting forwards and backwards 0-10
Social Studies- All about me
Science- Living things and what they need

Monday 10/17
NYC Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.3-4 (have your child read the booklet Am I?)
Eureka Math workbook pg.95&99
Review all sight words in green notebook 
Math Test tomorrow 
Tuesday 10/18
NYC Ready Gen Phonics book pg.137-138
Math worksheet on numbers (double sided)
Log into google and complete assignments due
Math tests will be returned tomorrow Wednesday
Thursday 10/19
Eureka math workbook pg.103
Math worksheet on writing the missing number 0-20
Phonics worksheet on the letter Mm (double sided)
Practice all sight words in green notebook (there will be a test next week, students should just be able to recognize them by sight)
Math tests were sent in folder please review, sign and return grades are 1-4 
(4=Excellent, 3= Good, 2=Fair meaning approaching the level or standard for the unit, 1= unsatisfactory/ below standards)

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