Sunday, December 4, 2022

Lesson Plan 12/5-12/9

Math test will be administered Tuesday December 6th, please review two and three dimensional shapes. Sight word assessment this week as well, it is imperative that students are studying their sight words daily. Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday December 8th Mass will be held at 10:00am parents are welcomed to join us. 

Sight Words 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Advent, God's gift of our senses
ELA- Ready Gen Finish Unit 2 Module B "Farming Then and Now" Introduce: The Old Things
Math- Measurement (long/short)
Social Studies- Families, neighborhoods and communities
Science- Living things: Plants

Monday 12/5
Eureka math module 3 lesson 1 pg.201
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.85-86 
Write each sight word five times in HW notebook (an, by, she)
Advent prayer sheet (to keep at home)
Tomorrow students may wear red and white clothing in honor of Saint Nicholas, otherwise they need to wear uniform.
Tuesday 12/6
Sight word worksheet on (am/we)
Math worksheet on circles and triangles
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg. 11-12 Little Mouse (have your child read it aloud)
Wednesday 12/7
Write a sentence with each sight word (an, by, she)
Eureka math workbook module 3 lesson 2 pg.205
Math worksheet on numbers
Thursday 12/8
Eureka math workbook module 3 lesson 3 pg.207
Spectrum math worksheet on measuring length (shorter/taller)
Phonics worksheet on letter Ii (double sided)
Please practice this song at home as we will be singing on December 21st. 

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