Sunday, January 22, 2023

Lesson Plan 1/23-1/27

Sight word assessment this week as I was unable to assess the students last week. The students will be getting decodable books starting next week to practice their reading fluency skills. I have noticed that some students are not recognizing sight words previously taught in class therefore an extra emphasis will go into sight words and reading fluency. Please practice sight words at home. Next week Math quiz on comparing numbers and quantities less/fewer/ more/greater.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- To introduce Jesus as a teacher and helper  
ELA- Ready Gen Unit 3 Module B "What Will The Weather Be?" "Weather Words and What they Mean
Math-  Quantity: more, less, same
Social Studies-  Martin Luther King Jr./ African Americans
Science- Living things: Animals; habitats 

Monday 1/23
Eureka math module 3  Lesson 23 and 24 workbook pg.289 &293
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.93-94
Write each sight word three times in HW notebook (are, has, out, this)
Tuesday 1/24
Eureka math module 3 Lesson 25 workbook pg.297
Phonics worksheet on letter Ff (two sided)
Extra practice math worksheet on greater, less, or equal
Wednesday 1/25
Eureka math module 3 Lesson 26 workbook pg.301
Extra practice math worksheet on greater, less, or equal (double sided)
Phonics worksheet on letter Ff
Thursday 1/26
Eureka math module 3 lesson 27 pg.305
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg.95-96 
Write a sentence with each sight word (are, has, out, this)

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