Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lesson Plan 12/1-12/5

Aim: Students will learn about things that god gives us
Read aloud: God Gives Meat to Eat from our pre school bible numbers 11:31-35
Aim: Continue learning about things that God gives us
Students will draw things that god gives us
Aim: Students will learn what advent is
Small class activity
Aim: Students will learn what we do during Advent
Small class activity
Aim: Review Advent
Aim: Counting readiness, identify and write 0 and 1
Pg. 47, Pg.33
Aim: Counting
Identify and write 2 and 3
Aim: Counting continued
Identify and write 4 and 5 pg.49, Draw 4 flowers in the vase
Aim: Continue Counting
Identify and write 6 and 7, circle 6 things in each box, write the number 6 on each line
Aim: Continue Counting
Identify and write 8 and 9, put eight shoes into pairs. Draw a line to match each shoe on the left with a shoe that is the same on the right.
Language Arts
Aim: Introduce our letter the week letter I
Students will learn the sound of I and come up with words that begin with I
Small class activity: Use Popsicle sticks to form the letter I
Aim: Students will begin tracing the letter I in upper and lower case recognizing each one from the other
Color the insect “a butterfly” design their butterfly wings by coloring in different shapes with their crayons.
Aim: Students will begin to practice writing the letter I in upper and lowercase
Write the lowercase i on the line. Color the pictures.
Aim: Students continue to practice tracing and writing the letter I
Small class activity: Letter hunt for objects that begin with letter I
Aim: Review the letter of the week letter I
Review words, sounds, recognizing upper and lowercase I
Color, cut, paste activity, put each insect in a container
Aim: Observing and measuring properties of objects
Children will learn what a solid, a liquid, and a gas are.
Aim: Children will explore the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
Children will sort solid objects on a mat cut and paste activity
Aim: How can solids and liquids change?
Children will observe and demonstrate that solids and liquids can be changed.
Cut, bend, mix, fold, melt, and freeze
Aim: What does liquid look like?
Children will place liquid objects on a mat cut and paste activity
Aim: Solid or Liquid? Review solid, liquid, and gas.
Color, cut, and glue solid and liquid on to the correct space on the activity sheet
Social Studies
Aim: Students will learn about the world, how the world we live in is called “earth”
Discuss there are many places outside of New York City
Aim: Continue discussing the world
Learn about major parts of the world, look at pictures etc.
Aim: Continue discussing the world
Discuss different parts of the world and things they do differently from us, for example traditions, weather etc.
Aim: Discuss what we know about the world
Draw things that are familiar to us in this world
Aim: Review all we have discussed about the world we live in, things that are familiar to us and things we learned about places around us (countries, continents etc.)

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