Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lesson Plans 3/2-3/6

Early Dismissal Friday March 6,2015 at 12:00 noon. Math quiz on Friday on Subtraction.  I have not sent books home because some children have not bought them back, unfortunately if they are not returned I will not send them with new books, Thank you for your cooperation.

Sight Words

saint- a person who is officially recognized by the Christian church as being very holy because of the way he or she lived
friend-  a person who you like and enjoy being with
victorious-success in defeating 
glorious-having or deserving glory, fame, or honor
mysterious- strange, unknown, or difficult to understand
fabulous-very good
marvelous- extremely good or enjoyable
industrious- working very hard : not lazy
dangerous- involving possible injury, harm, or death
cautious- careful about avoiding danger or risk
hilarious- very funny
courteous-very polite in a way that shows respect
subtraction- the act or process of subtracting one number from another
liquidsomething that flows like water; it has no shape of its own
solidsomething that has its own shape
gas- something that has no size or shape of its own; it can expand
Social Studies
state-  a region of a country that is controlled by the country's central government but that has the authority to make its own laws about certain things
governor-a person who is the leader of the government of a state, province, etc.
map- a picture or chart that shows the rivers, mountains, streets, etc., in a particular area
flag- a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation or group

Please click on this link to view Religion lesson

Please click on this link to view Reading/ELA lesson 

Please click on this link to view Mathematics lesson

Please click on this link to view Science lesson

Please click on this link to view Social Studies lesson

Monday 3/2
Go math book pg. 113-114
Write each sight word three times in hw notebook
Tuesday 3/3
Go math book pg.115-116 subtraction section J.5
Phonics book pg.121-122
Wednesday 3/4
Go math book pg.117-118
Write a sentence with each sight word
Thursday 3/5
Go math book pg.119-120
Ready New York CCLS  math book pg. 27-28
Handwriting book pg. 40-41

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